Chapter 25

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Billie's pov:
I just got off stage and azzi is waiting for me back stage I landed in Connecticut today and had to spend the entire day preparing for the show . I am so ready to see her i miss her smell and her beautiful laugh. I closed my dressing room door to turn around and see azzi she came up to me and kissed me catching me by surprise but I instantly kissed her back  she wrapped her hands around my lower waist and pick me up in one swift motion. I felt her tongue against my lips, searching for an opening, and I open my mouth to allow full access and the kiss became aggressive. She put me against the wall and a poster fell , causing me to moan slight bit of pain she sat me down the table. I pushed make up to the floor so she could get on the table and on top of me .  We break the kiss so she can lift my shirt over my head she unclipped my bra, causing me gasp at the quickness. I don't know what's got into her, but I like it. She went to kissing on my ear, causing me to let out another small moan . She went down to my neck, sucking harshly while undoing my belt and  Continuing to kiss my neck she pulled my shorts down. She came back up to my lips  and in the process knocked down a glass of cherries causing shatter on the floor, but I didn't care in the moment she went down to kissing my chest and slowly started sucking on my nipples and then to licking in circular motion causing is slightly louder moan . She pulled back and slipped my shorts and shoes off

" turnover"

"What azzi "  I questioned

She grabbed my hips and turned me over, causing me to be on my hands and knees she ripped my fishnets and kiss on my inner thighs another moan came to my lips. She slipped under me and  pull my underwear to the side and bringing my body to her face She started moving my hips back and fourth Creating a lot of friction between my clit and her tongue  "fuck " I moan and I grinned harder on her face she "azzi " I moan out I feel my self about to cum as someone knocks on the door I jump off of her face but I don't wanna get off the table because there is glass all over the floor she has my shorts and shirt and my shoes I go to open the door and it's my mom and in that second it hit me I just moaned enough for the entire backstage I put my head down in embarrassment

"Billie I I know you girls miss each other but how about we save that for later ok " my mom asked

"Yea sure mom I'm sorry about that " I said

"And hi azzi I would love to meet you when you're fully dressed so how about you guys head back to the hotel and get dressed we're all going out to diner "
My mom said to azzi

My mom shut the door and me and me and azzi started laughing

We just got dressed for dinner, and we were heading down the elevator when I see paparazzi at the door I grabbed azzi's hand and walk outside with her

"Billie how is the lesbian life treating you "

"Azzi are you playing this year "

"When did you guys start dating "

"How long have you been dating "

"Is this all for pr "

"How did you guys meet "

"What do your guys have in common "

"Smile for me "

"Hey Billie can you sign this "

We finally made it to the car and she has this. What the hell just happened to look on her face.

"Baby are you ok " I asked her

"Yes that was a lot tho . You deal with that everyday " azzi questioned

"Well not everyday to that extreme but mostly when I go out someone is looking for a photo or the next story " I said to her

"That's insane like seriously how could you even deal with that I can't imagine how you feel baby " she said is to me

We were now at the restaurant and I noticed she had a scared look on her face

"What's wrong baby " I asked her

"I'm scared "

"Of what azzi " I asked

"What if they don't like me or think I'm weird or something

In between the two of you/ Billie Eilish  / Paige  Bueckers/azzi fuddWhere stories live. Discover now