Chapter 13

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Azzi pov :
This week has been amazing and I don't think I want to go home after Coachella i love the California lifestyle me and Billie have been doing everything like we've been partying and going shopping and she refuses to let me buy anything and we went on a picnic , we go on late night car drives and listen to music and to the just have long talks but rn she was preforming with Lana del ray and honestly they're voices sound so good together i know this means a lot to her she told me she has loved Lana since she was a child

We were otw to Billie's surprise performance we all kind of got a little drunk before hand I mean it's Coachella. I watched as she walked on to the stage and everyone started screaming like it was honestly insane everyone loved her and they started playing music and she came and grabbed me , and brought me to the front of the stage and we started dancing together and my stomach started twisting again her hands were on my lower back and she pulled me closer and whispered"you look so good right now " in my ear . Cause my stomach to do a back flip it's like every time a drop of alcohol enters my system. She becomes even more gorgeous than she was, which I didn't think was possible. She playfully bit my ear and I grabbed her face and kissed her i don't know what came over me I always get confident when drunk . She bit my bottom lip and pulled away making me let out a small moan . And Zoe grabbed me and we started dancing and put the side of my eye I saw Billie kiss Odesa and my heart dropped I don't know why . It felt like she betrayed me in a way. She mentioned how she was like this with all of her friends but I thought she only said that to make me feel better but it was true what we shared was not Special she indeed Had kissed other girls and I know for a fact she had sex with other girls and the thought of this mad me feel like I had to throw up and very smoothly went to the hack of the stage and exited I ran into the bathroom and throw up came right out I was sick I never thought about the fact I she does this with all her other friends I wonder had she had sex with her friends. Now that I think about it who was the girl that made her realize she was gay and what had she done I only threw up more and tears fell from my eyes how could she Invite me to California and spend all this time with me and then blatantly kiss multiple girls in front of me like our kisses meant nothing like all the time we spent together meant nothing i cried so bad I felt my self drifting to sleep

I woke up as I was laid on a couch as I open my eyes and come back to my senses I hear Billie thanking someone for helping carry me to the hotel when she closes the door I sit up . "Now you wanna wake up " Billie said laughing " . I just looked and rolled my eyes and walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth she came in behind me . "Did I do something to you or" she questioned me . I didn't respond I just finished brushing my teeth and walked out of the bathroom. "Azzi I'm sorry for whatever I did I truly am " she said following me I went to the room to pick out clothes form the shower and walked back to the bathroom she followed me ." Azzi can you please talk to me " she said grabbing my arm . "I just want to know what i did " she said to me .i ignored her and turned on the shower and took off my shirt I was completely sobered up and so was she .i went to pull down my shorts and she turned around so I stepped in the shower "azzi please talk to me " . She turned around and her eyes looked to my naked body for a second then back up to my eyes which made me nervous no matter how mad I was at her . Without warning she stepped in the shower and looked up at me

azzi please tell me why you are upset with me I just wanna know what I did and what ever it was I am truly sorry I promise

Billie you kiss all your other friends

What ?? Yes Azzi i kiss all of my friends I told you this from the start

Well I don't know why but I don't like it . it made me feel sick to my stomach and the fact that Ik you have had sex with women breaks my heart and I don't know why I care so much

In between the two of you/ Billie Eilish  / Paige  Bueckers/azzi fuddWhere stories live. Discover now