Chapter 22

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Paige's pov :
It's now October 5 and I am about to head into a men's basketball game at Madison Square Garden I was invited and to be honest life has been pretty good. Me and azzi made up I can never stay mad at her for long. I just hate that she's with that no good singer.
I hate how she changed her. She used to be the most supportive person in the world and was there whenever I needed her and vice versa . Azzi has been trying to get us to get along, but I don't think it will ever happen.

After the game, I was heading to the bathroom   but when I get to the bathroom, there are three security guards standing close to the door that's kind of weird but I pay it no mind . When I walk into the bathroom straight into the stall . After I finish  I unlock the stall door and I see no other than Billie Eilish she looked at me through the mirror  and turns around

"Look Paige I'm sorry about everything but can we at least talk it out for azzi's sake " Billie said

"I don't think we have anything to talk about" I said

Look it's no  point of acting like we don't hate each other let's just find somewhere to talk about it

I don't wanna go anywhere with you Billie

Look we can't be seen together in public tg so meet me at my house at 9 tonight I'll text you the address don't be late

Fine but this is for azzi I hate to keep hurting her

It's 8:57 and I just got out of the Uber to her house , she has a nice house but I would never tell her that and honestly I don't know why she would invite me over if we get into a fight azzi's not here to break it up she will just be hurt

The gate opened and I seen her standing at the front door. I was in no rush to be in her house. I'm second guessing even coming here

As I walked in she had a nervous look on her face .

In between the two of you/ Billie Eilish  / Paige  Bueckers/azzi fuddWhere stories live. Discover now