Chapter 9

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Billie's pov
Azzi unlocked her door and yelled for her best friend Paige I wasn't so sure about Paige she knocked me over at the game and busted my lip and never apologized but if azzi likes her she has to be good

Wtf azzi where the hell have you been

Paige what's going on it looks like you have been crying

Azzi I called you a million and five times you said you would be here if I needed you ... yo- you said you would answer the phone you lied you declined my call and put your phone on dnd

"Paige I- i I'm sorry I- I got caught up I meant to call you back i promise I am so sorry " azzi said while tears started to fall down her eyes

I wanted to comfort her but I didn't want to get in between them Paige is yelling and crying and so is azzi I wanted to hug her and tell her it was all my fault and I'm so sorry that she is getting yelled at by her best friend

"You ignored all my calls for what azzi huh for someone who you just met were y'all having so much fun to the point where you had put your phone on dnd because you were just so tired of me, I thought you had my back I needed you last night I needed my best friend and you weren't there when you promised you would be " Paige said to azzi her eyes were red and she looked like she spent the entire night crying and she looked like hell but she had no right to take it all out on azzi i don't like the way she is treating her i can't believe she is making azzi feel bad for having a good I don't like her period

"Paige pls forgive me I'm so sorry if I could go back in time and answer the phone I would" azzi said crying .

"Well you can't go back in time and care and tbh I don't care for this conversation I'm leaving " Paige said to her and stormed out the form

Azzi ran up to me and jumped on me and buried her face into my neck she was crying hysterically " she's not being fair I really meant to call her back i just got lost In the time and forgot " azzi said in between tears i just rub her back letting her vent I sat down on the couch and she hugged me so much tighter "what am I gonna do I feel so horrible I really meant to call her back we had so much fun and I got distracted ". She said crying worse . I really didn't wanna leave her like this but I had to be at my speech I was wrote in a contract " azzi " I said picking her face up from my shoulder " I have to go to my speech but I want you to pack a bag and you can stay at my hotel and on Sunday we can go to California I'll meet you here after your class love I promise " I said wiping the tears from her face.
she said getting up , but I already miss the feeling of her on my lap she turned around " you are the best friend I never knew I needed " the words stung . But I got up and left the dorm . I need stop stop this we are friends but every time I see her I fall more in love last night was the best night of my life from the moment she got in my hotel she looked gorgeous I blushed every time our skin made contact it felt like fire . When we were in the car listening to Lana del ray she looked beautiful her lips are so kissable all the time . when she first got to the hotel and she sat me on the counter and looked and admired my body her eyes felt like lasers across my skin I had to get up she was making me so nervous.
I don't know how I'm gonna handle being with her in California I set my self up for failure i nearly die when she slept next to me . Oh my god and when we were baking shirtless I wanted to kiss every inch of her . I'm usually touchy with my friends but with her it feels so different I want to do way more than kiss I want- "omg it's Billie eilish "I heard someone say

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