Chapter 10

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Paige's pov :
"I hate how I yelled at azzi i feel like I really hurt her feelings " I said to kk  ."Paige you had a right to be upset but yea you probably should have went about it a different way " kk said to me . "I just feel like she's been acting different every since she started hanging out with that Billie  girl like we haven't had a real conversation in days they act like they're together like she stayed over her hotel last night and everything despite all the dating rumors like azzi isn't even gay like she doesn't even kiss girls when drunk but as soon as she meets this Billie girl all of a sudden she's the type maybe she has a crush on Billie or something " I say looking at kk ." I could have told you that Paige it's kinda obvious like azzi hasn't been in a serious relationship ever she just fucks Trey occasionally and all these paparazzi videos of them from yesterday are popping up all over my feed of them " kk said to me . She showed me a video of them eating they were basically eye fucking and then it's vids of Billie holding her hand and opening the door and leaning on her I don't like it they look like a they are in a relationship and azzi didn't tell me anything I'm actually so hurt about this

Azzi pov :
I'm in class rn my teacher is going on and on about nothing but i can't believe me and Paige are in a fight I hate it I tried to apologize and I texted her and she didn't respond I guess she will talk to me when she is ready and I'll give her space if that's what she needs right now ,but on the other side of things me I'm traveling to another state to spend a week with Billie and honestly I'm really nervous like I have to meet all of her friends and what if they don't like me . I don't know something about being across the entire country with her makes me nervous like bubbles in my stomach but I'm ready I think I have like a girl crush on her I really want her to like me and think I'm cool Ik how corny that sounds but it's real .but the thing about me and Billie we both are well aware of all the rumors we just never talked about it . I get brought out of my thoughts as the bell rings head to my dorm and I pack up clothes for the rest of the week and I'll just buy my clothes when I get to California. She texted me that she's waiting in her car.i hate I'm gonna be across the country and me and Paige are on bad terms but I need to give her her space .

AN/ yall be prepared cs when they get to California it's gonna be crazy I'm warning y'all 😘

In between the two of you/ Billie Eilish  / Paige  Bueckers/azzi fuddWhere stories live. Discover now