Chapter 4

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Paige pov:
I honestly don't want to be at this party but I'm here we lost the game .I don't really feel like there is anything to celebrate but I'm still glad we got here it honestly wasn't even expected . I'm pretty late to the party I just walked in as I step in I drop my cup when I see azzi making out with with someone I couldn't quite make out who it was . I must have been standing there staring at them because I didn't even notice KK standing next to me "Paige you good " she asked . " I need a drink " I replied to kk . We went over to get my favorite drink a Shirley Temple but I put a little alcohol in it to brighten up the mood. I look over at my best friend and she still making out with some girl. I never took her as the type to kiss a girl when she's drunk she's like the straightest person I know latest I thought . You can tell both of them are wasted once they stopped kissing they kept dancing very close and sexually against each other like it's was more gay than lesbian porn . I watched as azzi pulled her hair to the side and whispered something in her ear causing her to blush and that was when I had seen enough. I went over to azzi and grabbed her and she pulled back and I just grabbed her more aggressive than the lasted time . When I got her outside she threw up all over my shoe's which made me want to slap her but I had to remember she was drunk

Time skip to the next morning

I was getting off the elevator I had went and got azzi a hangover smoothie as I walked in the door  slammed behind me azzi sat up and started holding her head . "Paige omg " azzi yelled , " no one told you to get white girl wasted as makeout with some girl like azzi wth " I said as I looked at her . Azzi stopped and looked at me like all her memories came back from last night . " omg wait Paige I made out with Billie " azzi said looking shocked. " y'all were basically fucking on the dance floor I hope yk anyone could have recorded you and it could be all over the internet and plus didn't I tell you kissing girls when you're drunk is like not ok because who ever you were kissing could have been actually gay and you could be sending them mixed signals azzi" I said basically yelling at her . She held her head and started crying I instantly felt bad and ran over to her "azzi I'm sorry i- I really didn't mean to come off so mean and you know what happened to me with that girl Jessica and I just wouldn't want anyone to feel like that I'm sorry so sorry " I say to azzi . " Paige I'm so sorry I wouldn't want to make Billie feel like that I just wanted to be friends with her and now I might have ruined it all " azzi said to me . " I don't think you ruined it azzi you just need to talk to her and see how she feels about it and who is Billie " I questioned azzi . " Billie as in Billie Eilish the singer like the girl who wrote bad guy " azzi said. I looked at her in disbelief " you are crazy lol was it a good kiss " I asked teasing azzi . " Paige Omgg stop " azzi said while throwing the pillow at me . " it's not my fault you were basically fucking the a famous singer " I said while running from azzi . She eventually caught me and started beating me in the head with a pillow . " it wasn't like that for me I was literally drunk idk what came over me I'm straight I literally like dick I promise I can show you videos " azzi said to me . " no I'm good on that trust me I believe you I heard you getting fucked multiple times by tray " I said to her . " Paige you're joking right??" Azzi questioned. She kept looking at me . Waiting for me to say yes but unfortunately it was very true she thinks I be sleeping when she invites him over . " azzi he be in yo shit and you don't even try to be quiet and he be moaning just as much as you do like how do you expect me to sleep through that shit " I asked azzi . " Paige omg why would you not say something that is so embarrassing omg I want to die" azzi said putting her face In the pillow .

In between the two of you/ Billie Eilish  / Paige  Bueckers/azzi fuddWhere stories live. Discover now