Chapter 20

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Azzi's pov :
Me and paige have been great I do this thing where I don't talk and Billie even tho she is all I think about and right now she on a plane to come and see me . Paige is also throwing a party tonight and I wanna ask her can I bring Billie I know she hates her but I can't leave her alone for the entire night when she came to visit me and I can't miss the party it's to important to p so the only solution is to bring Billie
I knocked on Paige's door and she opened it and I at beside her

So Paige I want to ask you something it you gotta promise to be open minded ok

Wsp azzi

So Billie is on a plane right now coming to see me I tell her and I watch the smile dad from her face

Azzi if you're telling me you can't come to this party because of her i don't wanna hear it you promised me you would be there and be there on time

Paige that's not what I'm saying i was wondering if I could bring her to the party with me and before you say no I'm not gonna leave her by herself the first night she comes to see me so she has to come to the party or I can't make it

You know that's so fucking selfish azzi I hate her , she makes you so different and unreliable and honestly stupid

Paige that was not fuckin necessary what did she ever do to you

It not about what she does to me it's about what she is going to do to you she gonna hurt you and i know it

Paige you don't know anything about her if you took a second to talk to her or even give her a chance you might find that you like her

You are just so dumb azzi . How long do you think this is gonna last ? Huh? I don't even give you five months she way to busy for you and your gonna be distracted

That's not true Paige what we have is real you don't know her like I do you don't know anything about her

I don't need to know but fine she can come and only because you gave me an ultimatum just know I needed you there my best friend the girl I've known since I was 14 years old I need to be there please don't be late we don't know how much longer she has left on her life

I will be there I promise I would never miss this. I love you and your grandma is so important to me.

Me and Paige hugged, and we went our separate ways

it's officially been a month since I've seen my girlfriend it's the first day in August she has been so busy with tour preparations and press and everything else that comes with being a singer. We speak like two times a week and honestly I miss her and I'm at the airport right now waiting on her.

I finally see her, and I run to hug her. She jump on me and kisses me all over my face and now I'm just walking and carrying her out of the airport. I can feel people recording I know she has fans, but do they have to record her all the time every time they see her, she can't be normal human being because of cameras always shoved in her face and I hate that for her.

Paige family is throwing a party for her little cousin today and she really wants me there and she told me I could bring Billie she doesn't like her, but she knew it would make me happy so me and Billie were about to head to the Airbnb she got for the weeken.

We walked inside and when I went to close the door, I turned around and she was really close to me. She kissed me passionately, and slowly you can tell she longed and need this kiss I dropped my purse and picked her up and walked into the first bedroom I saw I put her down and pinned her against the wall, she quickly switch the position and I was now pin. She started to kiss my neck, making me let out a slight moan she pulled back "we need to get ready for the party " . "I know baby " I say to her as she starts back kissing my neck . I know I need to be at this party, but five minutes won't hurt, right?. She began kissing and sucking on my stomach making me gasp "Billie baby we have to hurry " . She didn't say anything but she pulled down my shorts and underwear and began kissing around my clit . She was teasing me and it was driving me crazy .she ran her tongue through my folds causing me to moan , when I did so she pulled back "Billie please " I say to her causing her to giggle she starts back but way more aggressive cause my back to arch off the wall . She slowly inserts a finger and causing me to cum immediately. I kinda felt embarrassed I came so quick "baby I have something new I wanna try with you " Billie said interrupting my thoughts ." What is it baby " I asked her "I wanna strap you if that's ok " she said to me looking really nervous . I just nodded my head this was different but I didn't mind it . I watched her pull it out of her bag she looked so hot putting it on but I was a bit nervous but when she kissed me all the nerves went away . We started sloppy making out and it was slow and passionate "tell me when you ready baby " she said sounding so seductive I grabbed it and put the tip in and wrapped my arms around her neck and she leaned down and kissed me "I love you so much baby " she said looking me in the eyes making me wanna melt this was slow and steady and the most intense and intimate think I have ever experienced I wish I could be here for forever I was trying rlly hard not to cum but she was making it so hard she all of sudden sat up " turn around baby " she said to me . When I turned around she began to kiss down my back .she put the tip in and started stroking slowly she pulled me by my hair up to her lap I gasps at the sudden deepness she placed her hand on my hips and started moving them and it turned my neck to kiss her and she we kissed slowly and passionately and I suddenly remembered that I needed to be a party for Paige's grandma a hour and a half ago . I jumped up "fuck we gotta baby she gonna be so mad I told her I would be there on time " i say panicking . "Baby take a breath ok"  she tells me .

Me and Billie are bout to head into Paige's party and I'm so nervous I push open the door and Paige's  eyes shot to me , she motioned for me to come over and Billie followed behind me ."can I speak to you  alone" Paige said to me

Azzi wth I ask you for one thing that's all I ask you for

Paige I'm sorry I- I got lost in time I- I'm sorry

I'm tired of hearing you're sorry you azzi . Is that a fuckin hickey on your neck so you were fucking you're so unbelievable

Paige I'm sorry I really am I- i don't know ow what to say

You know ever since you've met her you've been different you've been a horrible best friend you are alongyou no longer the girl I knew when I was 14. You forget things ,you're late ,you're not there when I need you azzi

"It wasn't her fault it was all me Paige I distracted her I'm apologizing" Billie said coming in. Before I knew it, Paige punched her in the face and she fell to the ground. Paige kept punching.  bussing her nose. I went to grab her off and she she pushed me off and went inside

An: guy I didn't proof read this so don't mind if there's mistakes I have a lot of studying to do and I don't have time to check but I promised y'all I would get a chapter out every day this week

In between the two of you/ Billie Eilish  / Paige  Bueckers/azzi fuddWhere stories live. Discover now