7.13 - ... (End)

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San'er held Wen Qing in his arms, but had to let him go due to strong protests from the person in his arms.

"Xiao Nie wants to see you!" the Beastman King said.

Wen Qing thought he was hearing hallucinations.

Isn't Xiao Nie dead?

Although he did not see Xiao Zie's body with his own eyes, according to San'er, the man was already dead when he brought the key back.

Why did you run out again now?

Seeing the young man's confused expression, San'er felt his head hurt.

After he woke up and merged with the consciousness of the former San'er, he realized what was going on with that guy. He was originally an elf prince, but was reborn as an orc after being killed by his lover.

Unexpectedly, this rebirth also brought one for free.

Xiao Nie also died, and Xiao Nie was also reborn.

However, his luck was not as good as Feng Rui's. His soul possessed an old human man who had just died.

This old man is old. Although he runs a tea stall in the royal city, his health is not good and he has problems everywhere.

Xiao Nie didn't just die and then be reborn. There was a long time in between, and he just woke up not long ago.

After waking up, he tried to inquire about the rebels, only to learn that not only his men, but also other human rebels had been defeated.

Even if he had more fighting spirit, he couldn't afford to look at his old face in the mirror.

Especially when the weather is cold, Lao Han's legs get sick, and the cold air keeps getting in and out of the bones.

At that time, he thought, I wonder how Lan Jin is doing. The cold in that boy's body is much heavier than his. Even if the key is taken in time, how many years can he live?

It's not that I haven't regretted it.

If he had known that things would end like this, he would have preferred to use gentler methods to influence the young man.

Originally, he thought that he had done a good job in psychological construction. When he saw the orcs when selling tea, he could behave calmly and not show off their tricks. Unexpectedly, as soon as he saw the Beastman King and the boy appear, he was immediately overwhelmed with rage.

Why was he in this situation, while they were calm and calm over there?

Anyway, he won't live long, so they should bury him with him!

With this thought in mind, he took out the dagger for self-defense, and when the Orc King turned around, he stabbed the opponent hard in the back.

But his good deeds were ruined by the young man.

When he saw the dagger falling on the young man, Xiao Nie hesitated for a moment.

But soon, he stopped thinking about it. Assassinating the Orc King is a serious crime. Whether it is Lan Jin or San'er, someone should accompany him!

That person is better Lan Jin.

It's a pity that the boy's strange strength didn't know where it came from, and he was able to hold him back. Because of this, the orc king slowed down and alerted the orc patrol, causing him to fail.

He thought that no one could guess his identity, and at most they would treat him as an assassin who killed the Orc King. Unexpectedly, San'er's vision was so vicious, and he could guess his origin from his skills.

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