【World 11】━━ Priest X Vampire ━━

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11.1 - ★World 11: Crimson fragments - Vampire Attack

There was no rumor from Kirk and Jane that Wen Rui had awakened the priest's talent. But Jeff was still a sixteen-year-old kid after all. After sending cousin Wen Qing away, he couldn't help but proudly show off to his friends.

The people he played with were all of the same age group as him, so the news spread privately in all directions.

The news reached the Priests Guild two days later.

The entire guild was shocked.

The current Priests Guild is no longer what it used to be. In the past, there was a clergy guild in almost every big city. Priests were the most respected beings among people, even more so than the head of state.

Nowadays, priest guilds can only survive in relatively peaceful places, and they have to be secretive, otherwise they will be mercilessly attacked by vampires.

There have been no new priests in the world for several years, which makes people in the priests' guild gradually lose hope.

They were relying almost entirely on instinct at this time.

Until the news of Wen Rui's awakening came in.

Not all priests in the Priests Guild are priests. In fact, as the number of priests becomes smaller and smaller, the majority of them are no longer priests, but ordinary people.

However, most of these human beings have superhuman abilities, are agile, and have great experience in hunting vampires, so they are called vampire hunters.

While the God of Light is still there, vampire hunters can also borrow a little power of light to cause irreparable damage to the vampire's body. They have their own hunter's guild.

Unfortunately, that is all in the past. Today's vampire hunters can only hide with the priests and survive.

"The kid named Wen Rui is said to be less than twenty years old." A hunter said. This news came back from him.

He didn't hear what those children said with his own ears, but since they were all fifteen or sixteen years old, he thought Wen Rui was about the same.

"If you treat pastors like this, when God comes back in the future, those people will definitely receive retribution." Another pastor said with a gloomy face.

No one echoed his words.

When the God of Light just abandoned this place, the people in this world found all kinds of reasons for the God, and even deceived themselves that the God's departure was only temporary and would come back soon.

But looking at the tragic situation of the entire world, people can no longer say such things.

They accepted the fact that they were abandoned by God from their hearts, and gradually became numb. At first they were angry at the humans who had abandoned them and turned to vampires, but in the end they just felt ordinary.

Sometimes, they would also complain about why they abandoned this place and why they watched the vampires wreak havoc. It's a pity that after the resentment, the only one you can rely on is yourself.

Gradually, even the resentment disappeared.

Wen Rui's appearance was like people who had been walking at night suddenly saw a bright light, making them feel the long-lost hope again.

Now that someone has awakened the power of the priest, does this mean that God has returned?

"Rescue him!" The person who spoke was called Syl, who was the most skilled hunter. He was tall and muscular, and his left ear was torn off by something, making him look particularly ugly.

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