Ch 2

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Over the next few days I get to know the members better I actually getting along with them really well. Currently though I'm running quite a bit late I rushing up the stairs to the practice rooms and just as I turn the corner I immediately bump straight into a figure. Stumbling a little I'm immediately grabbed by my shoulders and steadied I looking up only to see it's just MJ. "Oh hi hyung. Sorry I'm running late." He seems to stare at me his eyebrows furrowed and his nose wrinkling before blurting out in surprise. "You're an omega?" I immediately freeze and it's then that I realize I didn't take my medicine or put on my blockers since I was frazzled about being late and in such a rush. Swallowing I jerk away from him and start to run to the bathroom where I start digging through my satchel grabbing the extra tube of scent blockers that I carry around. Quickly applying a lot of it to my scent gland I jump slightly when I see MJ enter the bathroom he giving me a worried look. "Are you okay? I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable I was just surprised." I finish rubbing in the scent blockers before turning to him with a little frown. "Can you smell me now? Or do I need to put on more?" He frowns but sniffs the air. "You smell a tiny bit off but it's barely noticeable. Why are you pretending to be a beta?" I shift a little adjusting my glasses before saying softly. "I got bullied a lot in school for being an omega so when my mom switched me to a different school I started taking suppressants and blockers and I was treated a lot better. And then it just became habit to take them and hide." His frown deepens slightly. "You shouldn't hide your status Jeremy. We'll all accept you no matter what you are." I bite my lip before shaking my head. "I'm not ready to tell anyone else yet." He sighs but says a little softly. "Alright I'll keep your secret from the others but you eventually have to come clean." I sigh but give a reluctant nod. "I'll tell them a little later on." He nods and then motions me to follow him. "We should get to practice before Jinjin sends out a search party." I nod and start following him we joking around and giggling as we enter the practice room I seeing Jinjin staring at us with a raised eyebrow. "Care to share what exactly went on and how you both ended up coming in together?" I shrug moving further into the room away from MJ's side. "We bumped into each other since I was running late and started talking and joking around." Jinjin nods and I head to the back of the room not noticing Eunwoo looking between me and MJ with a frown. I start going over the guys schedules to double check everything then I pull out a book and start reading happily. As I get absorbed in the book I don't notice the music stopping until someone taps my shoulder I looking up to see Eunwoo who gives me a little smile. "We're heading to lunch and thought you should come." I blink a little before giving a small smile putting my book away. "Alright sure." I go to get up only to stumble a little as a hotness runs through my body and my vision blurs slightly Eunwoo quickly catching me before I face plant the ground. Once my vision focuses a little I notice that my hands are resting on his chest and his arms are wrapped around my waist I looking up at him sheepishly seeing him looking down at me worriedly I feeling a little dizzy and hot from his scent surrounding me. "S.... Sorry about that." He gives me a slight reassuring look. "It's fine but are you okay?" I give a little nod. "Yeah I'm fine." He frowns as I try to move away only to grimace at a sharp cramp in my stomach that hot feeling coming back I immediately falling backwards with a yelp only to be caught in Eunwoo's arms. "Alright something is obviously wrong and you've smelled off all day. I think you should go to the doctor." I internally panic but shake my head no calmly. "I'll just go home and rest." He raises an eyebrow at me and I whine grimacing as another sharp wave of hotness and pain runs through me again. "You need a doctor if you're in pain." I unconsciously get a little aggressive since my wolf is whining trying to break through I fighting it. "I'm fine I'll just go home and sleep it off." He frowns giving me a worried look and I wriggle out of Eunwoo's grasp as I start to head for the door stumbling a little. I can sense him rushing over to me hovering protectively as I make my way to the elevator the others immediately turning to us only to frown when they see me looking worried. "Whoa Jeremy are you feeling okay? You're flushed and look a little warm." I sigh a little feeling uncomfortable. "I'm gonna head home since I'm not feeling well." MJ's expression is worried and concerned he going to say something when Eunwoo speaks up. "I'll drive him home while you guys go get lunch." I can see MJ about to protest he looking at me worriedly and I look at Eunwoo frowning. "I'll be fine going home myself you don't need to drive me." He gives me a stern protective look. "You've barely been able to stay on your feet you're not walking home." I go to protest but he surprises me by giving a stern warning growl I swallowing having to forcefully fight my wolf and push my instincts deep down but I lower my head a little submissively. "Alright let's go." He nods in approval and we all get in the elevator heading to the lobby where Jinjin and Sanha give me kind goodbyes and feel betters but MJ seems to hover over me looking worried he moving closer and whispers in my ear. "Are you sure you want him taking you home?" I give him a reassuring look. "I'll be fine hyung don't worry." He sighs but nods saying firmly. "Text me later." I nod assuring him I will then watch as he walks away with Jinjin and Sanha I turning to Eunwoo who's staring at me with a slight frown on his face. I tilt my head at him curiously but he just shakes his head and motions towards the door. "Let's go." I sigh but walk with him out to a car he insisting on helping me into the car despite my protests. As he helps me in I feel my skin tingle where one of his hands is on my lower back to guide me into the car I swallowing as another wave of hotness runs through me. Buckling up as he gets in the drivers seat I shift a little as I stare out the window once we start moving after I give Eunwoo my address. It's quiet for awhile until Eunwoo peeks over at me. "So you and MJ hyung seem to be close." I shrug staring out the window. "He's really nice and reminds me of my brother." I hear what sounds like a breath of relief coming from him only for me to shift when another cramp hits I grimacing slightly. Soon we thankfully reach my apartment I looking at Eunwoo appreciatively. "Thank you for bringing me home." He gives a small reassuring smile and I carefully climb out of the car after wishing him goodbye I carefully making my way inside to my apartment where I immediately rush to the bathroom to take my suppressants and then crash in my bed.

You're my world (a Cha Eunwoo x male reader story) Where stories live. Discover now