Ch 6

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The next morning Eunwoo and I wake up a little late because my alarm didn't go off we scrambling to get ready it a little weird because it almost feels like we're a married couple. Shaking my head I focus on getting us some coffee made in some travel cups I immediately handing Eunwoo one when he enters the kitchen. He thanks me and takes a big sip of it before we head to get our shoes on and rush out the door to his car. We quickly head to the entertainment company and head upstairs to the practice room I immediately feeling nervous and anxious as we approach the door. I take a breath before we enter the room where I'm immediately tackled in a hug by a hyperactive MJ making me stumble back a little. "You had me so worried! You didn't come to work and you didn't answer my messages!" I go to reassure him I'm fine when Eunwoo lets out a dark dangerous growl I immediately tensing as my wolf reacts to the angry sounding alpha a whine leaving me as I squirm out of MJ's arms I immediately being grabbed and pulled against Eunwoo's side. He quickly leans down burying his face in my neck and scents me possessively I exposing my throat to him submissively. After a moment he seems to calm down and slowly pulls away a little then I turn my attention to the others who are gaping at us I feeling a little embarrassed and nervous. "Um so I'm actually an omega. And Eunwoo's my mate." All three alphas look between the two of us before MJ goes to take a step forward but Eunwoo's eyes flash red and he gives a warning growl MJ quickly backing up. I take Eunwoo's hand intertwining our fingers together saying reassuringly. "It's alright. Calm your wolf down I'm right here." He takes a breath before letting it out and looks at the other's apologetically. "Sorry. My wolf's still a bit possessive after he went into heat on set and everyone kept trying to get to him." They all look at me with a raised eyebrow and I blush. "I um I wasn't expecting it. I was on very heavy scent blockers and suppressants to hide my status but they stopped working and I ended up going into heat on Eunwoo's filming set...." MJ gives me a stern scolding look. "You should've been more careful Jeremy!" I flinch slightly and lower my head pitifully. "Sorry hyung. I thought I could get it to go away." He shakes his head and Jinjin clears his throat to get our attention. "So you two are together now?" Eunwoo and I look at each other before we both blush then look away shyly. "Um I guess? We haven't really discussed it." All three of the alpha's raise their eyebrows at us. "How have you not discussed it?" I shift a little uncomfortably. "Um well right now we're more focused on my health and if I'm okay after years of suppressant and scent blocker abuse. So we've been more concerned about that than anything else." Eunwoo gives my hand a little comforting squeeze while the others look at me in concern. "What have the doctors said?" I take a shaky nervous breath. "Well I developed properly but that's all we know. We're waiting on bloodwork to come back." They all give me sympathetic looks MJ pulling me into a big hug I tensing up at first before hugging him back I spotting Eunwoo out of the corner of my eye tensed up I able to tell he's fighting his wolf. Quickly pulling away from MJ I move back over to Eunwoo he looking a little possessive as he pulls me into his side I unconsciously blushing a little finding the possessiveness really hot. I make myself snap out of it though and I clear my throat. "You guys should get started on practice." Jinjin nods in agreement and everyone goes to get in position except for Eunwoo who looks down at me with a frown. I give him a reassuring smile. "Go on and practice I'll be in back." He seems to reluctantly leave my side going to get into position as I head to the back of the room sitting on the couch. I go through the guys schedules looking up occasionally to watch Eunwoo a little smile on my face. Halfway through practice though my phone starts going off I seeing it's from the doctor's office I quickly rushing out of the room and walk away from the door I answering it anxiously. "Hello?" I hear the doctor on the other line saying in a firm voice. "Hello Mr Kim. I was just informing you that we got your bloodwork back and we need to see you as soon as possible." I frown feeling my stomach drop in anxiety. "Alright um will tomorrow morning work?" He assures me it will and he tells me to come in when they open which is eight sharp. I assure him I will before we hang up I shakily putting my phone in my hoodie pocket then bury my face in my hands trying not to cry. "Are you okay?" I jump slightly at Eunwoo's voice I slowly turning around and give him a pitiful look. "My bloodwork came back and they want to see me as soon as possible so I made an appointment for tomorrow morning." He nods in understanding I holding back tears. "I don't think it came out very good if they want to see me immediately." He gives me a little sympathetic look. "You never know it could be okay and they just want to discuss it." I shake my head pitifully. "I have this bad feeling in my stomach that something's wrong. And I'm so stupid because it's all my fault." He gently pulls me into a hug I clinging to him and break down into tears he just holding me and rubs my back reassuringly. We stay like that for a while until I calm down to just shaky breaths I slowly pulling away from him adjusting my glasses. "I'm sorry. You should be in practice." He gives me a slight look. "You're upset and need me right now I don't care about practice." I blush a little butterflies swirling around in my stomach. "Thanks for being here for me. I know you really didn't want to be mated to me but I appreciate you taking care of me." He immediately frowns at that. "Why would you think I didn't want to be mated to you?" I give a little shrug. "You said you weren't good with relationships and acted like you were angry about being with me." His frown deepens. "Jeremy it's not that I don't want to be mated to you. I was nervous and angry about not knowing we were mates and you hiding things from me. I don't like important secrets kept from me." I lower my head a little saying quietly. "I promise not to keep anymore important secrets from you." He gently lifts my chin up giving me a small smile. "Good." I blush as I look into his eyes getting lost in them and just as we start to move closer MJ's loud voice echoes through the hall. "Hey you two honeymooners! Come back to practice!" I jerk away from Eunwoo blushing bright red and quickly bypass him heading over to MJ giving him a slight look as he smirks at me teasingly. I shake my head and walk back over to the couch taking a seat. I avoid Eunwoo's gaze the rest of practice until Jinjin calls an end for the day. I get up stretching before I head over to MJ giving him a little smile. "I have an appointment first thing tomorrow morning so I won't be here." He looks at me in concern. "Will you be okay?" I quickly put on a brave face. "Of course. I'll let you guys know what's said after I find out." He nods before pulling me into a side hug. "I hope everything turns out okay." I thank him before I pull away and say goodbye to Jinjin and Sanha before I leave the room completely ignoring Eunwoo. Just as I make it to the elevator though my arms grabbed and I'm turned around to face Eunwoo he giving me a slight look. "Why are you shutting me out?" I say a little defensively. "I'm not." He raises an eyebrow at me. "You are I can feel you hiding your emotions and blocking off the bond." I grimace slightly before saying simply. "I need to get home so I can prepare myself for the appointment tomorrow. You should go home too." He frowns at that before saying firmly. "I'm going with you tomorrow." I shake my head. "Eunwoo you have filming tomorrow and I'm not letting you skip it." He gives me a stern look. "You're my mate and you're obviously hurting over this and need support. I don't care if I skip a day of filming to ensure you're okay." I feel a little frustrated trying to push him away emotionally. "I'm fine! I don't need you hovering over me for gods sake!" He stares at me before saying firmly. "Do you seriously want to go down this road? Pushing me away and making yourself miserable?" I give him a dirty look before saying honestly. "I deserve to be miserable because of how stupid I was. You don't get it Eunwoo I might have ruined the possibility for me to EVER have children. And that's something I've dreamed about since I presented. Even though I posed as a beta I always dreamed of having a family. And now that might not even be possible. Now leave me alone because I am seriously not in the mood." Before he can say anything I head for the stairwell and I start rushing down them until I reach the lobby I immediately leaving and walk to my apartment.

You're my world (a Cha Eunwoo x male reader story) Where stories live. Discover now