Ch 7

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(Eunwoo's Pov)

Watching Jeremy leave I frown my inner wolf whining and howling in pain feeling hurt that our mate left. Sighing I press the button for the elevator the other guys soon walking up to me in confusion. "Why aren't you with Jeremy? We'd have thought you two would be together so you both can go to his appointment." I grumble a little. "He left. He's blaming himself for everything and is refusing himself happiness because he feels guilty. He's trying to block the bond so I don't notice he's hurting emotionally." They all frown looking sympathetic. "What are you going to do?" I feel determination fill me and I say seriously. "I'm going to show him I won't leave that easily. I'll be there with him even if he wants me there or not." They all slowly nod and the elevator opens we all getting in and head down to the lobby. We then part ways I immediately heading over to Jeremy's apartment I heading to his front door and knock I hearing a commotion on the other side before the door opens revealing a much older man and I smell Jeremy's scent all over the man a growl tearing its way through my throat. The man's eyes narrow and he growls back we basically having a stand off I saying in a deadly tone. "I need to see my mate." The man gives me a look saying firmly. "No way in hell. He doesn't want to see you right now and if you'll excuse me he needs me." My wolf immediately screams the word threat I snarling and before I can stop myself my wolf takes over and I throw a punch hitting the man straight in the jaw he stumbling backwards enough for me to force myself in I quickly tackling him to the floor. We then start trying to tear each other apart I managing to throw another punch when suddenly he overpowers me and slams me against the floor I hearing a loud scream of horror. "What the hell are you two doing?!!" I smell Jeremy's scent me and the older man turning our heads to look at him my heart immediately hurting because his face is tear streaked and flushed and his eyes are red from crying. "Jeremy get back he's feral right now." My eyes narrow slightly and I growl at the man kicking him off of me while he's distracted and I get to my feet standing in front of Jeremy protectively a possessive snarl coming from me. I soon feel my hand being grabbed and I'm being made to face Jeremy he giving me a stern look. "Calm down. He's not taking me away from you stupid he's my brother." What he says manages to register in my head before my eyes widen I looking a little guilty now as Jeremy shakes his head gently shoving me towards his room. "Go calm down and when your wolf is at bay come back and we'll talk." I swallow but nod and go to calm down.

(Jeremy's Pov)

Watching Eunwoo go into my room shutting the door I sigh and turn to my brother Brett looking him over in concern. "You okay?" He nods reassuringly there only a few scratches and bruises on him. "I'm fine little wolf. I don't think I'm comfortable having him around you anymore though." I give him a slight look. "It's not his fault he went feral. I left him and blocked off the bond and you reek of my scent so of course his wolf is going to react to a random guy answering my door smelling like me." He frowns slightly at me his eyes narrowing protectively. "Why'd you leave and block off the bond? Did he do something to hurt you?" I immediately say defensively. "No! Eunwoo would NEVER hurt me. I left because I'm guilty and ashamed because there's a big chance we might not ever have children thanks to my stupidity." Brett frowns a little looking sympathetic. "Oh Jeremy. I'm so sorry. I should have made you stop the medication so it's just as much my fault." I shake my head saying reassuringly. "You always tried to make me feel better about being an omega Brett it's not your fault I abused the pills. But I feel guilty and can't even look at Eunwoo right now because I know he'll probably resent me for probably making myself infertile." Suddenly I hear Eunwoo's voice he saying softly. "That's not true." I freeze before slowly turning to face him he giving me a gentle reassuring look. "I'll never resent you for maybe not being able to give me kids. Yeah I was angry at first about you abusing the drugs and hiding things from me but that's because I'm concerned about your health. As long as you're okay and healthy outside of being able to have kids I don't care." I feel a little emotional tears starting to stream down my face and he says softly. "And we don't even know if the bloodwork came back bad or not yet. We still have to go see the doctor." I sniffle a little and mumble a soft "that's true." He gives a small smile and moves forward gently tugging me into his arms I immediately clinging to him and burying my face against his chest as he holds me in his arms. I manage to calm down and slowly pull away from his embrace I wiping my eyes then look at Brett saying softly. "I think I should probably properly introduce you guys. Brett this is my mate Eunwoo. And Eunwoo this is my big brother Brett." Eunwoo looks a little nervous bowing apologetically. "I'm sorry for attacking you hyung." Brett raises an eyebrow observing him for a moment there a tension in the air before he says simply. "Well at least you care about my brother enough to kill someone over him. I was afraid when Jeremy came home crying that you hurt him somehow." I give Brett a look as Eunwoo swallows nervously. "I'd never willingly hurt Jeremy I swear." Brett nods in approval before he says softly. "I'm going to head out. Let me know what the doctor says about tomorrow though Jeremy." I nod assuring him I will and then he leaves the apartment I turning back to Eunwoo feeling exhausted his expression softening as he gently leads me to my room we laying down after he takes off his shoes and I snuggle close to him unconsciously as I start to doze off clinging to him.

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