Ch 12

77 1 0

(Jeremy's Pov)

Over the next few weeks I've gained both a heavy appetite and an excessive amount of weight. I went from being underweight to where I now have a small stomach and gained in my arms and legs too. Sighing I stare at my reflection in the bathroom mirror at the company I feeling insecure and uncomfortable with my appearance. I talked to the doctor and he said it's another side effect of the medicine since it's kicked in now. Shaking my head I head towards Eunwoo and the other members practice room I a little peeved because Eunwoo didn't wake me up so I could join him for practice. I storm up to the door knocking three times before I enter saying cheerfully. "Hey guys!" I see Jinjin, Sanha and MJ turn around only for them to stare at me I shifting really uncomfortably. They haven't seen me in quite a while because I had to go with Brett to get his mate in America because they needed my support and help moving. "Come on guys I know I look different but is it really that bad?" Jinjin seems to be the first one to snap out of it. "Sorry. It's not bad it just caught us off guard." I frown slightly feeling insecure and upset when Eunwoo starts to approach me he wrapping an arm around my shoulders but I shrug him off saying in a moody tone. "I'm mad at you mister." He blinks and frowns. "What why?" I look up at him pouting. "You didn't wake me up to go with you." His expression softens slightly. "Jagi you were exhausted and jet lagged I thought you could use the sleep." I huff a little still feeling annoyed and a little moody. "Fine I can let you off the hook." He looks down at me in slight concern. "Are you okay jagi? You seem moodier than usual." I pause before saying firmly. "Just tired from jet lag." He nods in understanding and I say softly. "I'll head home you just focus on practice." He nods and I kiss his cheek before wishing the others goodbye then head back to Eunwoo's apartment that I stay at almost constantly. Once I get home I lay down staring up at the ceiling and just stay like that until I hear the front door open and footsteps. "Hey jagi do you want to go on a date?" I perk up and quickly scramble to my feet in excitement. "Yes!" He smiles and informs me he's going to shower and to dress slightly nice I nodding and wait for him to leave before I change quickly only to frown because my pants are tighter than usual. Shaking my head I reluctantly grab some of Eunwoo's pants instead and put them on they fitting a little better. Once I'm ready Eunwoo comes into the room and gets dressed in nice clothes I watching him with want but I'm not comfortable showing my disgusting new figure. Once Eunwoo's ready we head out to the car I adjusting my glasses and we head to a pretty nice restaurant. We enter and get shown a nice table I looking through the menu only to pause when I start hearing whispers like "he's so big it's disgusting" and "he'll probably eat the restaurant out" as well as "that poor young man he's so attractive but his date will probably crush him." I freeze and feel emotional I trying to fight back tears as we order our drinks. Once our drinks arrive I decide to just order a salad Eunwoo raising an eyebrow but doesn't question me he ordering his own food. Once we get our food I pick at the disgusting salad eating small bites and try to ignore the whispering about me. Finally I have enough after a woman whispers a "watch me steal this guy away from the fatso." I get up and storm out of the restaurant immediately walking to the car. Eunwoo quickly follows me after paying looking concerned. "Jeremy what's wrong?" I shake my head saying flatly. "I want to go home now." He frowns but nods and we get in the car driving home where I get out and storm inside I going to head to the bedroom when my arms grabbed and I'm gently spun around. "Jeremy what's wrong?" I huff and say in a broken emotional voice. "I'm fat now. And now I don't deserve you because I'm not attractive anymore." He frowns slightly at that. "Jeremy why would you say something like that? Jagi you're not fat and you're still very much attractive." I shake my head starting to cry. "Everyone in the restaurant kept saying how fat I was and how they felt sorry for you because you would end up crushed by me. That someone like me doesn't deserve someone as attractive as you." He immediately looks angry and upset then suddenly his lips are on mine I freezing slightly before melting I kissing him back happily. He gently but firmly pins me against the wall the kiss quickly becoming heated and desperate I whimpering as he takes control instantly. We slowly pull away to breathe and he buries his face in my neck nuzzling against my scent gland. "God I missed you so much jagi." I let out a small moan as my body arches against him only to immediately start feeling insecure when his hands start to run down my body I squirming a little trying to get away. "Eunwoo don't." He pauses and looks at me with a slight worried frown. "Are you okay?" I shake my head no muttering softly without looking at him. "I'm ugly now." He gently but firmly makes me look at him he saying firmly. "You're not ugly and I'll prove it. Just let me show you that I'm still very much attracted to you." I bite my lip before giving a little nod of permission and he gently leads me to the bedroom where he pushes me back onto the bed I crawling back so I'm up against the pillows Eunwoo following me. He kisses me hungrily I kissing him back and he pulls away enough to take our shirts off before kissing me again. He then slips my pants and underwear off they covered in slick. Feeling a little insecure I blush when Eunwoo places kisses from my cheek down my neck and chest to my stomach where I feel little butterflies in my stomach. He then gently enters a finger in me I letting out a little moan. He then enters a second and eventually a third I whining pleadingly. "Please! Eunwoo need you please!" He smirks and pulls his fingers out before finishing undressing and slowly enters me I letting out a sigh and whimper of pleasure. He then pulls out almost all the way before he slams back in I moaning loudly in pleasure. "Eunwoo!" He groans and starts an intense but quick and gentle pace moans and whimpers of pleasure coming from me when he finds my spot I yelling out in pleasure grasping at his shoulders. He buries his face in my neck saying huskily. "God you're so gorgeous jagi. You make me feel so lucky to have you as mine." I moan whining out a "c... close!" He bucks his hips into me before slamming his knot into me I screaming out in pleasure as I finish clutching at his shoulders and shudder as I feel him inside me. Breathing heavily we stay together for a while before Eunwoo carefully maneuvers us so we're cuddling I clinging to him desperately feeling exhausted. He kisses my temple before saying softly setting my glasses gently aside. "Sleep jagi." I sigh but do feel tired and drained so I slowly fall asleep clinging to him.

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