Ch 8

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The next morning I'm sitting on the end of the bed miserably as Eunwoo gets ready my mind running around with multiple thoughts. After a while Eunwoo gets my attention saying gently. "We should probably go." I nod and get up we heading out to his car it quiet between us I finally speaking up after a while. "I still think you should go to filming." He peeks over at me saying seriously. "I'm not leaving you to deal with this alone." I sigh as we pull into the parking lot Eunwoo pulling on a cap and mask before we get out heading inside the doctor's office I checking in before we go take a seat in the waiting room Eunwoo taking off the mask and cap. I'm soon called back we both getting up and a nurse leads us to a room where I take a seat on the examination table and wait anxiously squirming. After a while the doctor comes in he taking a seat on the stool and looks up at me. "So Mr Kim we got your test results back. And I'm just going to go ahead and say your hormone levels are extremely low and out of balance." I swallow a little anxiously. "What does that mean?" He gives me a sad look. "Well we can try and give you hormone treatments to hopefully make them balanced again but I doubt it would completely balance out. So unfortunately it might be very hard to get pregnant or carry a baby." I pale a little my lip trembling. "So basically I'll probably never have kids." He gives me a sympathetic look. "Honestly probably not." I hang my head the doctor saying gently. "We can still try medicine if you'd like." I hesitate a little before saying softly. "I'll think about it." He nods giving a soft apology as he leaves to give us privacy. I sit there brokenly I soon feeling Eunwoo's arms wrap around me he gently pulling me into his chest I clinging to him mumbling a broken "I'm sorry." He gently rubs my back saying reassuringly. "It's okay. We can adopt if the medication won't work. There's plenty of children out there that need good homes." I slowly pull away from him looking at him pitifully. "I guess you're right." He gives me a little comforting smile and says softly. "Let's go." I give a nod and get up following him out to the car where I get in and look out the window miserably staying quiet. I then see that we're not heading to my apartment I looking at Eunwoo confused he saying simply. "I thought we could go to my place. Because I'm pretty sure you don't want to have your brother ask about the appointment yet." I nod and we soon reach an apartment we getting out and Eunwoo leads me inside I looking around curiously after taking my shoes off. I move further into the apartment looking around at everything. I then turn to Eunwoo feeling drained and emotionally exhausted his expression softening and he starts leading me to a bedroom. He goes over to the closet and digs through it before handing me some sweatpants and a hoodie. "Here's some comfortable clothes for you to wear. The bathrooms at the end of the hall." I nod and go to change I immediately melting a little at Eunwoo's scent on the clothes the hoodie a little baggy giving me sweater paws. My lips twitch up into a little smile as I exit the bathroom and head back to the bedroom heading over to the bed and climb in instantly curling up into a ball. I feel the bed dip and then I feel an arm wrap around my waist I being gently pulled back against Eunwoo's chest he making it so we're spooning a little. I stay quiet just laying there in a numb-like state until I slowly fall asleep from pure exhaustion.

(Eunwoo's Pov)

After Jeremy falls asleep I gently take his glasses and set them safely aside then observe his features feeling bad for him and hate how he's hurting. Suddenly my phone starts going off I carefully but quickly moving and grab it leaving the bedroom and answer it seeing it's MJ. "Hello?" His tone immediately sounds concerned. "Hey how's Jeremy doing? He's not been answering my messages." My inner wolf internally growls feeling annoyed and possessive I saying a little firmly. "Well he doesn't exactly feel like talking to anyone right now." It's quiet for a moment before he says softly. "The news didn't turn out well did it?" I sigh and give a soft. "No it didn't. Apparently his hormone levels are off quite a bit and even if they put him on medicine it probably won't exactly fix everything. So they told him it might not be possible for him to get pregnant or even carry a baby." His tone turns sympathetic. "I'm sorry that's gotta be hard to hear and I bet Jeremy's really upset." I sigh a little. "He keeps apologizing to me and blaming himself. I wish he'd understand that I'm not blaming him or upset with him." Hyung speaks up softly. "Well just keep reassuring him. Tell him to call me whenever he feels like talking though." I feel that annoyance run through me again I giving a slightly hostile. "Yeah sure." It's quiet for a moment before he speaks up actually sounding amused. "You're jealous aren't you?" I automatically try to deny it he letting out a chuckle. "Your wolf takes over any time I'm near Jeremy and you get aggressive when I mention being close with him." I stay quiet and he says in amusement. "I'm not going to steal your mate I promise. He's just a friend." I feel a little bit embarrassed when suddenly I hear little sobs coming from my room I frowning and say quickly. "Hyung I gotta go." He answers in a reassuring tone. "Go ahead and take care of Jeremy. I'll talk to you later." We hang up and I rush back into the room seeing Jeremy curled up in a ball his body shaking with sobs I carefully sitting on the bed beside him putting a hand on his shoulder. "Hey what's wrong?" He sniffles and carefully turns to look at me. "I know you said we can adopt but I can't stop thinking about the fact we'll never eventually have a little bundle that takes after us." My expression softens a little. "Well do you maybe want to try the medicine? See if it'll help any?" He swallows but gives a little nod. "I'll give it a shot." I nod and gently pull him into my arms cuddling him close I feeling a little amused when his face turns red and he turns shy. "Let's get some rest." He gives a little nod and I lay us down making sure we're both comfortable and I slowly fall asleep after Jeremy dozes off.

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