Ch 3

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It's been a few days of me taking multiple handfuls of suppressants to try and get my scent to dull and the hotness and cramping to go away it seeming to have worked. Today I'm going to be accompanying Eunwoo to the filming of a drama I quickly getting ready and slather on my scent blockers and take another handful of suppressants before grabbing my phone and wallet then head outside when Eunwoo comes to pick me up. I head to the passenger seat and climb in giving him a little smile. "Good morning hyung." He gives me a little smile and nods in greeting I quickly buckling up before we drive off. There's a slight awkward silence in the car I clearing my throat a little and ask softly. "So what's it like filming and playing different characters?" He peeks over at me before saying softly. "It's actually pretty cool and fun to tap into different characters and stuff." I give a little nod. "I think it'd be cool to act in a drama. I remember loving theater as a kid and always begged my mom and brother to come to all of my performances." He peeks over at me a little curiously. "You know we're looking for a few extras. Like background people and stuff. Would you be interested?" I immediately perk up a little and adjust my glasses. "Sure! That'd be really cool." He gives a little smile and soon pulls into a parking spot turning the engine off then gets out I following his lead. I walk behind him as he heads over to the director and chats with him for a moment before he heads back over to me with a little smile. "Go to wardrobe and have the stylists give you a uniform and then come back here when you're done and we'll place you somewhere." I nod thanking him cheerfully before heading to find wardrobe I finally managing to find it and then I head inside telling the stylists that I need a uniform they having me change into one and quickly fix my hair and makeup right quick before letting me go I immediately heading back to Eunwoo. Just as I approach him the director walks over getting our attention. "Eunwoo you might have just saved this drama. The guy who played the foreign character that's enemies with your character called in and quit." He then turns to me and asks hopefully. "Can you memorize lines really quickly?" I immediately nod reassuringly. "I'm a quick reader and remember pretty easily." He looks relieved then hands me a script. "We'll just start with some easy scenes today and get you settled into the role." I nod and immediately open up the script after him telling me what we'll film first and start reading through it silently. After going through the script and lines a couple of times I go to find the director to tell him that I'm ready to start filming. Once I find him he tells me where to go and what to do I supposed to run into Eunwoo's character that starts an argument between us. As we play the scene out and get to the arguing part I make sure to stay in character but start struggling a bit when Eunwoo starts getting passionate in the scene his scent hitting me full force. Making it through the scene the director tells me that I need more passion and that it's not seeming that I'm annoyed and aggravated towards Eunwoo's character. I swallow a little but nod and we give it another shot but halfway through the director calls cut and has us restart. This goes on two more times I finally getting fed up and frustrated so I put all of that into my lines I snapping at Eunwoo like I'm actually pissed off at him it seeming to catch him off guard for a split second but he delivers his lines perfectly the director finally yelling cut and praises us for getting it. I give a little smile but immediately start feeling a little hot and uncomfortable I mumbling to Eunwoo that I'll be right back before going to get a bottle of water. I take a few chugs of it before heading back to filming despite the dizziness I'm starting to feel and the cramping I'm getting. Once I get back into place we go over the scene and everything Eunwoo's scent hitting me full force I finally stumbling a little when we finish the take Eunwoo quickly catching me and I shudder when suddenly my scent explodes from me in a huge wave I hearing murmurs and Eunwoo let's out a little gasp I quickly squirming out of his grasp and run as fast as possible to a bathroom locking myself in and then lean back against the wall panting. After a while of standing there I hear a little knock on the door and Eunwoo's not very happy voice. "Jeremy come on out I need to get you home." I stay quiet for a moment before slowly making my way over to the door and unlock it I slowly pulling it open and peek my head out to see Eunwoo standing there. He gives me a slightly stern look. "Come on and we'll get you home." I swallow but nod and make my way out of the bathroom silently following him through the set he wrapping an arm around me protectively when a few alphas start sniffing and showing interest at my scent they starting to follow us. Swallowing a little I shift and bite my lip when my stomach starts cramping and I grimace as I feel slick start to come from me. We finally manage to make it to Eunwoo's car he opening the door for me I quickly getting in and once I'm fully in and settled he slams the door I flinching slightly he getting in the drivers side and starts driving. I bite my lip and let out a little whimper when my scent gets stronger slick gushing from me I fidgeting from discomfort. Eunwoo grips the wheel tightly his hands shaking a little from how tight of a grip he has. We finally make it to my apartment I unbuckling my seatbelt as Eunwoo unbuckles and hops out of the drivers side he immediately coming to my side and opens the door for me I swallowing and carefully get out. I move away from the door Eunwoo slamming it shut before he wraps a firm arm around me and leads me to my front door I shakily getting my keys out and unlock it before opening the door I making my way inside I a little surprised when Eunwoo follows me he slamming my door closed before turning to me I swallowing a little when I see his eyes glowing red a little submissive whimper coming from me as he starts to back me up until my back hits the wall he giving me a stern look as a possessive growl comes from him. "Mine." I go to say something only to cry out in pain when the cramping gets worse my scent exploding from me in extremely intense waves and my wolf completely takes over I whimpering pleadingly. "A.... Alpha...." He growls and leans down burying his face in my neck I whining as he nips at my scent gland. He slowly pulls away and looks down at me I gently pushing him back a little before grabbing his hand and tug him towards my room. Once we reach my room I turn to him and whimper in a desperate needy tone. "Please. I need you alpha please." He growls and gently pushes me back onto my bed I immediately pulling my shoes and socks off then scoot up to my pillows watching as he slips off his shoes and socks too. I then squirm and pull my shirt off feeling hot and itchy from my clothes. I then look at him with pure need he moving so he's on the bed I whimpering as he gently pushes me so I'm laying on my back and he starts kissing and nipping at my neck I letting out a moan. He then moves down my neck and chest stopping at my pants line and quickly pulls them and my boxers off before gently entering a finger in me I letting out a breathy moan. He smirks and gently enters a second finger I moaning and stare into his glowing red eyes they a little mesmerizing. I then start to squirm when he enters a third finger I begging with pure need. "Please alpha!" He growls and pulls his fingers out before undressing and I moan loudly when he gently enters me. He then starts a slow but steady pace I moaning and whimpering in pleasure he burying his face in my neck. "Mine." I shudder and moan in agreement. "Yours alpha." He then hits that certain spot in me I crying out in pleasure grasping at his back and shoulders. "Alpha c... close!" He groans then bites down on my scent gland slamming his knot into me I screaming out in pleasure as I finish. "Oh god alpha!" He stays in place for a moment I shuddering as a fuzzy warmth runs through my body. He slowly pulls away after a moment and I give him a dazed look he carefully moving so we're laying down. I sigh happily feeling exhausted he saying in a firm voice. "Sleep." I grumble a little but take my glasses off setting them aside before I cling onto him slowly falling asleep.

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