Ch 13

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*weeks later*

It's the day my mom is coming to visit and I'm shuffling around Eunwoo's apartment getting ready to go pick her up with Brett since Eunwoo has filming. Looking into the mirror I still feel uncomfortable with my appearance I shaking my head and bend over to get my phone and wallet I wincing slightly at a slightly achy feeling in my back. I ignore it though figuring I might have pulled something. Hearing a ding from my phone I check it seeing that Brett sent me a message saying he's here. Smiling I head out of the apartment and rush over to the car hopping inside I quickly buckling up then turn to look at Brett only to frown at the look of concern he's giving me. "What?" He shakes his head saying softly. "You look different and smell off is all." I sigh a little as we start pulling away. "I know it's apparently another side effect from the medication. First it made me so sick for the first two months then it made me really hungry and crave food. Now I've been having random back aches I think I pulled something" He raises an eyebrow at me before saying cautiously. "Jeremy do you think you might be pregnant?" I freeze and frown giving him a look. "That's practically impossible Brett. The doctor basically said it would be more of a possibility that hell would freeze over before I became pregnant." He quickly says in defense. "Well think about it Jeremy you said that the first two months any kind of food made you sick and then suddenly you started craving food. Your scent smells off and I think something other than the medicine is going on." I frown slightly before saying reluctantly. "Stop by the store and I'll take some pregnancy tests when we get back to your place." He nods and we stop by a store right quick I buying what I need to before we head back to driving to the airport. Once we arrive we hop out and go to wait for our mom we finally spotting her I immediately rushing over with a cheerful "Eomma!" She blinks in surprise before a bright smile crosses her face she pulling me into a hug. "Hi sweetie! How are you doing?" I slowly pull away from her and give a small smile. "A lot has been going on but my mates been taking care of me." She nods in approval then turns to Brett when he approaches. "And how are you doing?" He assures her that he's fine and we go to grab some of the luggage Eomma brought with her. We then head out to the car and I climb in back to let Eomma up front. As we start driving my mom turns to me curiously. "So is there a reason you smell really sweet and have gained a little bit of weight?" I sigh a little. "My doctor put me on hormones because where I abused suppressants and everything it made my hormones off balance. He says it's probably a side effect." She slowly nods while Brett speaks up. "I swear I think he's pregnant." I shake my head. "I'll take the tests when we get to your place but I'm telling you that the doctor said it was basically impossible." My mom frowns slightly at that and we soon reach Brett's apartment we getting out and head inside setting Eomma's things aside. I then grab the bag with the pregnancy tests and go to the bathroom to do what's required I taking three tests. I then set them on the counter and step outside putting the timer on my phone. "I really think this is a waste of time." My Eomma gives me a reassuring smile. "Well it's better to be safe than sorry." I slowly nod and wait anxiously until the timer goes off I going to check the three tests only for them to all say negative I throwing them away. "See I told you it's just the side effects of the medicine." Brett still looks a little wary but I change the subject looking at Eomma. "My mate wants you to join us for dinner tonight so you can meet him." She nods and goes to the guest room to change and get ready I letting out a little sigh a hand going to my aching back. "You alright little wolf?" I nod saying reassuringly. "Yeah just some back aches." He slowly nods and I look up when Eomma comes back into the room I smiling and look at Brett. "Do you wanna come too?" He shakes his head no. "I'll drive you guys though." I nod and we head back out to the car I telling Brett which restaurant and he drives us dropping us off I shifting a little only to smile when I smell Eunwoo coming over I immediately rushing over to him hugging him. "Hi babe!" He chuckles softly and hugs me back "hi jagi." I blush and grab his hand dragging him over to my mom. "Eomma this is my mate Lee Dongmin but he usually goes by Cha Eunwoo. Babe this is my mom Kim Iseul." He takes his mask off and bows politely. "It's really nice to meet you." She observes him for a moment before nodding in approval. "Nice to meet you as well. You can call me Eomma." He looks a bit surprised but nods and leads us inside we being shown to a back room and we take our seats my mom starting to ask Eunwoo a bunch of questions about himself. He answers every question my mom throws at him until our food arrives we then starting to eat happily. Once we're finished eating my mom goes to pull out her wallet but Eunwoo insists on paying handing over his card to the waiter. Once he gets his card back we get up and head out I looking at Eunwoo. "Can we drop Eomma off at Brett's?" He nods and we head to the car where we all get in and I give Eunwoo directions to Brett's apartment. Once we reach it I get out with my mom and give her a hug she hugging me back tightly whispering in my ear. "I approve and he's a very nice young man." I smile looking at her appreciatively and she ruffles my hair before heading inside I getting back in the car with Eunwoo and we head home. Once we arrive I grimace slightly at the pain in my back Eunwoo looking at me in concern. "You alright?" I nod saying reassuringly. "Yeah just some back pain." He frowns slightly at that and I change the subject. "I'm going to go lay down. Tomorrow we have your music video recording." He nods still looking a bit worried as I head to the bedroom and lay down setting my glasses aside as I slowly fall asleep.

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