Ch 14

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The next morning we head to the filming set of Eunwoo's music video I giving him a quick kiss before he goes to get ready. I stand off out of the way as they get everything set up  and I can't help but stare at the dark outfit and leather jacket Eunwoo's wearing I admiring him with slight longing and want. I then watch as Eunwoo films with a really pretty omega girl I getting this weird feeling in my chest when I see him have to act all loving and cutesy with her. Frowning slightly I feel uncomfortable even though I know he's just acting but I can't help but feel insecure because they actually look good together. I shift a little my inner wolf growling slightly with jealousy despite the fact that there aren't many scenes with them together. I stand there trying to hold back my wolf's jealousy I feeling really emotional for some reason. Thankfully they get the scenes with the pretty omega girl filmed pretty quickly but I watch as Eunwoo and the girl start talking and laughing. Frowning I feel an emotional wave of sadness and insecurity wash over me I unable to keep it buried as tears start welling up in my eyes I quickly rushing away from the set. I storm down the street when suddenly I hear my name being called I pausing for a second recognizing Eunwoo's voice. I then start to try and rush away but my arms suddenly grabbed I being gently spun around. "Hey what's wrong?" My lip starts to tremble and I burst out into tears shocking the alpha who looks startled. "Jeremy? What's the matter?" I whimper and say a little brokenly. "You look better with her." He frowns looking confused. "What do you mean?" Little hiccup sobs start to leave me I saying with a slightly bitter tone. "That girl. When you're acting all in love with her and you hug her and stuff you two look too good together." He stares at me before sighing. "Jeremy I'm just acting." I sniffle and can't help but snap a little my emotions all over the place. "I know! I know you're just acting but she's so pretty and seems nice and I'm just ugly and fat." He goes to protest but I growl at him dangerously. "Don't you dare say I'm not because I am." He looks startled and surprised I sniffling and am hiccuping holding back sobs my body shaking. He then starts to pull me close I trying to squirm away and growl fighting him but he pulls me against his chest and securely cradles me in his arms I finally just breaking down into sobs clinging to him tightly. He gently pets my head I sniffling and whimper until I slowly calm down he asking softly. "Are you okay now?" I sniffle pitifully. "Yeah sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me." He speaks up saying a little gently but cautiously. "Do you think you should maybe see someone?" I pause and pull away a little glaring slightly. "Please don't tell me you're suggesting I go to a therapist. I'm not crazy!" He says a little defensively. "I know you're not crazy but you've been depressed and insecure and have been having breakdowns Jeremy I'm just concerned." I grumble a little. "I'll think about it." He nods and I slowly pull away from him grimacing at the dull ache in my back I feeling a little off but ignore it even though Eunwoo looks at me in concern. "You alright?" I nod reassuringly. "Yeah just that back pain. You should get back to filming." He frowns but says firmly when I grimace again. "You're obviously feeling bad let's go home." I frown trying to protest only to wince when the cramping moves to my lower stomach. "Alright fine. Let's go home and lay down." He nods and leads me back to the set he telling me to stay here for a moment while he goes to talk to the director and everyone. I nod and hold my back trying to stretch it out but my stomach has a dull ache as well I feeling confused. I shake my head and wait for Eunwoo to come back to me he helping me to the car and helps me in we driving home then he helps me inside and to the bedroom where I carefully lay down taking a deep breath before I set my glasses aside and slowly manage to doze off.

*hours later*

Waking up with a start I'm confused about what exactly woke me up when I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my stomach I gasping and hold my stomach with a whine. The pain lasts for about a few seconds until it slowly subsides I panting. I then carefully sit up pulling my glasses on only to whine when a few minutes later the sharp cramping comes back I gasping in pain doubling over. "E.... Eunwoo...." I don't receive an answer I turning my head only to see him still fast asleep. Grumbling a little I gently but firmly slap his shoulder saying sharply. "Lee Dongmin wake up!!" He starts awake and looks at me confused only for that sharp cramping to come back again I crying out in pain tears welling up in my eyes he quickly scrambling to sit up looking concerned. "Are you okay?" I give him a slight dirty look snapping from pain. "Does it LOOK like I'm okay?" He frowns looking worried and I start sobbing in pain whining. "I need a hospital. It hurts!" He looks really concerned he quickly getting up and helps me out of bed he helping me put my shoes on before leading me out to the car I crying and whimpering in pain squirming. We thankfully make it to the hospital and Eunwoo parks before helping me out and ends up having to carry me inside he calling out worriedly to the nurses. "Help he's in really bad pain!" The nurses get a wheelchair and Eunwoo puts me down helping me sit in it then I'm rushed to a room. A doctor quickly rushes in and looks me over asking. "What's the pain feel like?" I whimper and say pitifully. "It feels like I'm being stabbed in the stomach and I have pressure in my back." The doctor observes me for a moment before he gently presses on my stomach for a minute only for his eyes to widen he saying in disbelief. "You're pregnant."

You're my world (a Cha Eunwoo x male reader story) Where stories live. Discover now