Ch 15

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"You're pregnant." I gape at the doctor like he's insane. "What?! That's not possible! I was told it's basically impossible for me to have kids or carry a baby!" He raises an eyebrow at me but says seriously. "Well you're literally in labor right now." He then looks at the nurses. "Get him an epidural now. We need to get this little one out." I'm in pure shock I looking at Eunwoo who's just standing there wide eyed and zoned out I looking back at the doctor wide eyed. "I didn't know. I took pregnancy tests and everything and they came back negative." He says firmly. "We'll find out what went on later. Right now we need you to sit up." I frown but do as the doctor says I watching a nurse get Eunwoo's attention and leads him out of the room for a moment I feeling anxious and scared. Once I'm given the epidural I'm helped so I'm laying against the bed again I watching as the doctor and nurses get an operating room ready to get me a c section. After a while I'm taken to the operating room I looking around anxiously for Eunwoo only to relax when he's lead into the room he wearing scrubs now. He quickly makes his way over to my side there a curtain set up so we can't see below my chest. Soon the doctor informs me they're starting I waiting anxiously until there's a little cry it immediately hitting my heart. "We have a girl." I look at Eunwoo only for the doctor to pause a little he speaking up in surprise. "There's a second baby." My eyes widen in shock as I look at Eunwoo whose eyes are widening as well there soon another cry filling the room. "And we have a boy." I feel multiple emotions from shock and panic to happiness and joy. The doctor tells me that they're going to do some check ups on the babies after I'm stitched up and then I'm wheeled back to a room to rest I feeling mentally drained and exhausted. "Sleep Jeremy you need it." I try to protest but can't hardly hold my eyes open I ending up passing out from exhaustion.

(Eunwoo's Pov)

After watching Jeremy pass out looking exhausted I still can't believe the craziness that happened tonight and the fact that I'm now a father to twins. Running a hand through my hair I grab my clothes and go to change back into the pajama's throwing the scrubs away then I grab my phone and immediately dial Jinjin's number. It takes a while but he finally answers sounding groggy. "Eunwoo what do you want it's four in the morning" I immediately say in a slight panic. "I took Jeremy to the hospital because he was in pain and it turns out he was pregnant." It's quiet on the other line for a while I saying anxiously. "Hyung?" He says in a tone of shock and worry. "Is the baby okay? Is Jeremy okay?" I run a hand through my hair stressfully. "Jeremy's fine but he gave birth to twins and I don't know how they're doing the doctor took them for a check up." I hear Jinjin make a choking noise of surprise. "Twins?! No wonder he gained so much weight in such a short amount of time and his scent was sweeter." I can't help but grumble a little. "The doctor who did Jeremy's bloodwork said it'd basically be impossible for him to have kids though. And Jeremy said he even took pregnancy tests and they came back negative." Jinjin gives a soft "maybe the doctor wasn't fully looking at everything. And maybe the tests were a fluke." I sigh a little. "I don't know but I can't believe I'm a father now. We don't even have anything for them. Or a room set up to put them in." Jinjin immediately says reassuringly. "We'll all help you guys out." I give a soft "thanks hyung. I'm gonna go incase the doctor comes." He gives a soft "congratulations and good luck" before we hang up. Suddenly the doctor comes in I asking a little anxiously. "Are the babies alright?" He looks at me and smiles saying cheerfully. "Congratulations you have a healthy five pound six ounce girl and a five pound two ounce boy. It's a miracle they got as big as they did." I feel myself relax slightly glad the babies are alright when the doctor speaks up. "Now explain to me how you both didn't know that he was pregnant." I frown slightly but launch into an explanation. "Jeremy's been abusing suppressants and scent blockers for multiple years. He just had his first heat six months ago and we went to a doctor to check him out. The doctor said his hormones were off and said he'd never be able to have or carry kids because of it even with him putting Jeremy on medicine." The doctor frowns at that. "Well it's a lucky thing he was actually taking the hormones or he'd have lost the babies. I think his heat made it to where at least he had the possibility to conceive. But didn't you notice any of the signs? Like morning sickness? Cravings?" I sigh a little. "Yes we noticed but the doctor we were seeing kept saying it was a side effect from the hormone pills." The doctor raises an eyebrow at that. "I'm going to request the bloodwork and files from that doctor. In the meantime would you like to see your babies?" I feel a little nervous but nod and he leads me out of the room then down the hall to where a bunch of babies are laying swaddled in blankets. The doctor points out the two tiny bundles in the middle the boy looking tiny compared to his sister. I immediately notice that the little girl has a head full of dark black hair and some of my features like my lips and facial shape. I then turn my attention to the boy and Jeremy immediately runs through my mind the baby boy a spitting image of him. He has a tuft of blonde hair and I immediately feel my heart melt at the both of them before I reluctantly snap out of it. "I should probably get back to my mate." The doctor nods assuring me he'll have a nurse bring the babies in when he wakes up. I head to the room where I grab my phone seeing it's a little later in the morning and a more reasonable time so I dial Jeremy's mom's number I glad she gave me it incase of emergencies. She quickly answers sounding concerned. "Is everything alright?" I take a breath before saying softly. "Jeremy's in the hospital and I thought you should know he gave birth." It's quiet before the older alpha woman screeches out a shocked "he what?! You've gotta be kidding me." I say a little softly sighing. "Unfortunately I'm not kidding. Apparently he was pregnant this whole time and we just thought it was his medicine because that's what the doctor told us." I hear her take a deep breath before she says softly. "Alright when can I come see the little one?" I chuckle a little. "Little one's actually. You have twin grandchildren." She gasps a little. "Oh my goodness no wonder Jeremy got so big." I then hear movement I seeing Jeremy start to stir. "Eomma I've gotta go. But you can stop by later." She assures me she will before we hang up and I rush over to Jeremy who looks at me he asking in a panic. "The babies! Are they okay? Where are they?!" I quickly calm him down saying reassuringly. "They're fine jagi. They're perfect. A baby girl five pounds and six ounces and a baby boy five pounds two ounces." He seems to relax slightly before saying anxiously. "I wanna see them." I nod and go to tell a nurse he's awake she nodding and assures us another nurse will be there soon. I head back inside and sit beside the bed when suddenly a nurse is rolling the two small bundles into the room Jeremy anxiously trying to peek at them. Soon the nurse grabs the baby girl and hands her to me then hands the little boy to Jeremy his eyes widening slightly. The beta woman then leaves to give us privacy I looking at Jeremy with a smile. "He looks like a mini you." He smiles and nods in agreement. "And she looks like a mini girl version of you." I smile then ask curiously. "What are we going to name them?" He hums looking thoughtful for a minute before suggesting softly. "How about I choose an American name for them and you choose a Korean name for them." I nod assuring him that's fine when he looks between the two babies. "I like the name Lasea for the girl." I look down at the little girl then nod. "And I like the name Jieun for her middle name." He nods smiling before looking at the boy. "And I want to name this little guy Lukas." I study the baby boy before saying softly. "Jaejin. That'll be his middle name." He smiles and I smile back. "So Lee Lasea and Lee Lukas." The babies then decide to open their little eyes I surprised when I see that both of the babies have blue eyes. I then notice they start getting fussy Jeremy calling the nurse who brings us some bottles she handing them over to us. I'm a little awkward with holding the baby until the nurse shows me an easy way to hold the little girl and I then start feeding her my heart tugging as she seems to grab onto my pinky finger. Once the babies are done eating Jeremy immediately puts the baby on his shoulder with a towel underneath as he burps the baby. I do the same thing before the nurse reluctantly tells us we have to give the babies back for a little bit. Jeremy and I both pout before I hand the baby over to the nurse Jeremy doing the same. The babies are then wheeled out and just as we start to get relaxed the door swings open revealing my three members with Jeremy's mom and brother in the back. MJ immediately rushes over gently hugging Jeremy and hands him his favorite flowers. "How are you feeling?" Jeremy chuckles a little carefully putting the flowers aside. "I'm in shock." Brett hyung suddenly speaks up looking smug. "I told you." Jeremy glares at him before saying sharply. "Well excuse me for believing the pregnancy tests coming back normal." Brett hums before asking eagerly. "So what did you two have?" I smile saying cheerfully. "A girl and a boy." Their expressions all soften and I speak up. "You guys follow me and we'll go see the babies." They murmur excitedly and I lead them out of the room to show them where the babies are. I then point out the twins saying cheerfully. "Lee Lasea and Lee Lukas." My members gape at them in awe while Jeremy's mom starts getting emotional. "I can't believe I'm a halmeoni now." I smile and lead them back to our room Jeremy's mom immediately rushing over and hugs Jeremy tightly. "Oh sweetie they're beautiful little one's." Jeremy smiles nodding in agreement. "I just don't know what we're going to do about clothes and stuff." MJ speaks up firmly. "We'll all pitch in and help out as much as possible." I can sense Jeremy getting a little aggravated. "You guys don't have to." Brett speaks up saying seriously. "They're our family and need things. We don't mind helping." He huffs a little before looking tired and drained again Jeremy's mom quickly ushering everyone out of the room saying they'll come see the babies again later. Once they're gone I focus on Jeremy who pouts and pats the bed moving over so there's enough room for two. I carefully slip over pulling my shoes off before I carefully climb in beside him gently taking him in my arms and watch as he falls asleep I soon joining him.

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