Chapter I

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Stohess District, year 837.


Marcus Müller was a patient man—or at least he liked to think so. As a merchant in the busy streets of Stohess, patience wasn't just a virtue; it was a necessity. His clientele ranged from the hurried and heedless to those whose indecisiveness could test the mettle of any seasoned trader. Yes, Marcus had developed quite the tolerance over the years, but the true test of his patience often came not from his customers, but from his household.

On this particular afternoon, the source of his exasperation was not an indecisive shopper nor a bumbling competitor, but his two beloved children. Elisse, his eldest at eleven, stood rigid as an oak, her grey eyes shooting daggers at Captain Lucas—a familiar face around these parts and a man unfortunate enough to have attempted humor with a girl who understood only literal truths.

"Oh dear," Marcus muttered, his mustache twitching with amusement and mild concern.

A few feet away, near the ornate well that marked the center of the district's square, his son Y/N was completely absorbed, his eyes wide with curiosity. The boy, much younger and lost in his thoughts, seemed to be studying the light patterns as they moved across the water's surface.

"Y/N, stop staring at that well and come along!"

Y/N's head snapped up, his expression shifting from contemplative to cheerful instantly. "Oh! Sorry, Papa!" he said, scrambling to his father's side. His clothes, a neatly buttoned jacket and matching trousers of soft gray were tailored perfectly to his small frame, suggesting a level of affluence without ostentation. The fabric, fine yet not flamboyant, whispered of the family's comfortable status in society.

Elisse on the other hand was dressed in a dark, almost severe, frock that matched her demeanor. The stiff collar and straight skirt did little to encourage childish play, mirroring her stern disposition perfectly. Her hair was pulled back into a no-nonsense bun, not a strand out of place, much like the rest of her life.

Marcus adjusted his attire—a practical yet well-made coat of navy blue over a crisp, white shirt—as he prepared to usher his children through the crowded streets. Elisse fell into step beside him, her gaze still occasionally flicking back to Captain Lucas with undisguised suspicion.

At the entrance of Wall Sina, within the Stohess District, Marcus suddenly patted down his pockets, his brow furrowing in mild irritation. "Ugh, I left the ledger on the kitchen table. I need it for the inventory checks today," he murmured, more to himself than to his children.

Elisse with her arms crossed frowned, her pale grey eyes sharp. "Hurry, Father, you should have come prepared,"

Marcus chuckled. "Right you are, Elisse. I'll dash back and fetch it. You two stay here with Captain Lucas. I won't be long." With a reassuring pat to Y/N's shoulder and a nod to Elisse, Marcus turned briskly and headed back through the streets.

Captain Lucas, a soldier with a sturdy build and an easy smile, watched Marcus's retreating figure before turning back to the siblings. His eyes filled with amusement as he noticed Y/N crouched down, peering at a small line of ants marching over the cobblestones. The boy was muttering softly to himself, making meticulous observations about the ants' formation and the possible reasons behind their chosen path.

"So," Lucas began, trying to engage the children, "where were you all headed with Mr. Müller today?"

Y/N didn't look up. Elisse had been silently assessing Lucas and finally spoke, her voice cool and direct. "You reek of alcohol, Captain Schneider."

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