Chapter V

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Three years had passed.  

 Now twelve, Y/N found comfort in spending most of his days in the lush expanses of the Reiss estate. On one such day, he was chilling on the grass when Frieda approached with a purpose in her stride.

"Y/N! Your sister sent a letter," she announced, waving the envelope excitedly.

Though tempted to jump up, Y/N merely opened his eyes wide with joy and patted the grass next to him, inviting Frieda to join. Initially hesitant, Frieda glanced at her dress and protested, "I will get my dress dirty."

Y/N gave her a knowing look, one that made Frieda giggle and concede, "You got me." She then sat down beside him and lay back, handing him the letter. Elisse had joined the cadet branch three years ago, much to the distress of their parents. It had sparked the first serious argument Y/N had seen at home, one that had left a deep impression on him.

Y/N himself had influenced Elisse's decision when he had fixed that loom thing for clothes, she had expressed her desire to do more impactful work than just helping the poor with clothing. She wanted to take direct action against the threats beyond the walls.

Y/N's mind wandered to these past events, his sister's fierce determination, and the upcoming moment she would have to decide which military branch to join after her graduation. Lost in thought, he barely noticed when Frieda reached out to caress his cheek, a gesture that once might have made him uncomfortable but now only brought him comfort.

"Well? Aren't you going to open it?" Frieda urged, her voice pulling him back to the present moment and the unopened letter in his hand.

Y/N carefully unfolded the letter, his eyes scanning the familiar handwriting of his sister. Clearing his throat, he began to read aloud, adopting a stern, flat voice to mimic Elisse's usual tone:

"Y/N, I hope this letter finds you well. As you may have guessed, I have graduated from the cadet corps—ranked first in my class. My decision has been made; I will join the Survey Corps."

Frieda listened, her eyes on Y/N as he continued still in Elisse's voice, "It is here, on the front lines, that I can make the most significant impact. I understand the risks, but the necessity of understanding and confronting our true enemies comes first. Do not worry for me; worry is a distraction from doing what we must."

Y/N's voice faltered slightly as he read the last lines.

"Elisse is really brave, Y/N," Frieda whispered, her voice soothing. "She's doing what she believes is right."

Y/N let out a small gasp as Frieda shifted even closer, her head resting against his shoulder. His initial reaction was surprise and slight unease at the closeness, but as he turned to look at Frieda, seeing the genuine concern and affection in her eyes, he relaxed.

"It's just... the Survey Corps, Frieda. They're near titans," Y/N murmured.

Frieda nodded, her fingers intertwining with his. "I know, but she's strong, and she is smart."

Frieda's gaze remained on Y/N, trying to distract him. "So, what new projects have you been working on lately, Y/N?"

Y/N shook his head, "I haven't started anything new," he admitted, surprising her. "Just thinking..."

Before she could continue, Y/N blurted out, "I want to join the army."

 She sat up to face him more directly. "Y/N, why would you want to do that?"

"I want to be with Elisse, to protect her," he explained. "And to help soldiers."

"But Y/N, it's so risky. And you're so young," she argued.

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