Chapter III

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The Müller family's residence in Stohess District was comfortably large but not flashy., the house was a solid structure with a sturdy stone foundation and plastered walls painted a soft, welcoming color. The wooden frames of the windows were polished to a shine, reflecting the care the family took in maintaining their home. It wasn't a palace, but it was big enough to offer each family member a sense of privacy and comfort.

Just a short walk from their home was Marcus's storage space for goods, tools, and carts-essential for his trading business. Adjacent to their home was Anna's bakery, known as the Little Crust Bakery. The bakery was a beloved spot in Stohess, with residents saying that stepping into Anna's bakery was like receiving a warm hug. The smell of fresh bread and pastries filled the place, inviting all who passed by to step inside and enjoy a treat made with unparalleled skill.

As the carriage pulled up to their home, Marcus looked drained yet relieved to be back, "We're home, Anna."

Inside the main room of their house, Anna was rolling out the dough for what would likely be another batch of her famous apple pies. Her black hair was tucked under a practical hairband, and her blue eyes glanced up from her work as she heard her husband's voice. Dressed in a simple yet flattering dress and an apron-her uniform of choice-she wiped her hands on a cloth before talking. Her expression softened as she saw her family.

"Did everything go smoothly?" Anna asked, noticing immediately the tired expressions on everyone but Y/N, who seemed oddly cheerful.

Marcus exchanged a look with Elisse, who merely raised an eyebrow in her characteristic, no-nonsense manner. Before Marcus could fabricate a simple reassurance, Elisse's blunt honesty cut through.

"We met with the royal family, not just any traders. Father lied about the nature of the meeting," Elisse stated flatly, her tone suggesting she expected repercussions for such a deception.

Anna's eyebrows shot up, and her gaze snapped to Marcus, her look sharp enough to slice through a titan's neck. "Is this true, Marcus? You took the children to meet the royal family without preparing them-or me?"

Marcus rubbed the back of his neck, a nervous chuckle escaping him. "Well, the opportunity presented itself, and I thought-"

"Thought it would be simple?" Anna's tone was cool, her disappointment clear as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Y/N added helpfully, "Oh, we fixed a clock! Well, I fixed it. With butter!" His eyes were bright, completely unaware of the deeper implications of the day's events.

Anna paused, her frustration momentarily derailed by confusion. "Butter? To fix a clock?"

Elisse sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Not now, Y/N."

Ignoring his sister Y/N continued, "Yes! And I made a new friend! Frieda! She's nice and pretty!"

Anna's focus shifted rapidly between her children and her husband, trying to piece together their day. "Marcus, perhaps you'd like to explain starting from the beginning. And why was butter involved in repairing a clock?"

Marcus started to explain, only for Elisse to interject again with a detailed account of the day's events, sparing no detail about the potential dangers they had faced and the deception involved.

As the story unfolded, Anna's frown deepened, especially upon hearing about the interaction with the royal family and the near disaster with Y/N. When Marcus mentioned how Y/N had repaired the watch with unconventional means to avoid punishment, Anna's gaze softened as she looked at her son.

Her attention soon turned back to Marcus, her expression stern. "You put our children in a situation they weren't prepared for, Marcus."

Marcus nodded, thoroughly chastised. "You're right, Anna. I should have handled it differently."

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