Chapter XIV

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Y/N woke up groggily, feeling the rough ropes digging into his wrists and ankles. His heart pounded as he tried to take in his surroundings. The room was unfamiliar. He struggled against his bindings but quickly realized escape was futile.

The door creaked open, and a tall man with dark circles under his eyes stepped in. He sighed, looking almost impressed. "Now I understand why you were ranked first in your recruit division," he said. "You almost escaped."

Y/N's fear grew as he recognized the man. "Why am I tied up?"

The man stepped closer, his expression unreadable. "We met earlier today remember? Djel Sannes, part of the Interior Police, serving the Reiss family. We protect the true rulers of humanity."

Y/N's confusion deepened. "Why am I detained then? I'm friends with Frieda..."

"Lord Rod's daughter...?"

Y/N glared, his voice trembling with a fear and anger. "Our queen."

Sannes nodded slowly. "That's the only reason you're not dead. You've caused quite a few problems, but your connection to her spared you."

Y/N paled at the implication.

Sannes continued, his tone colder. "You have a choice. The Central Police have maintained peace by preventing civil wars, coups, chaos, and revolutions. We've silenced those who threaten our stability."

Y/N's voice shook with indignation. "By doing what? Killing and terrorizing people?"

Sannes didn't flinch. "By eliminating troublemakers. You are one of them, but you can be saved. Not just because of your royal connection, but because of your gifted mind. Imagine what you could achieve in service to the crown and the people. Not wasting your talents on foolish inventions."

"We know it's you and Freya Steinbach who have been working on those devices."

Y/N shook his head frantically, desperate to protect Freya. "Leave her out of this! She has nothing to do with it!"

Y/N's heart sank. "Please, she doesn't know anything. It's all my doing. Don't involve her."

Sannes ignored his plea. "Your brilliance can either be a gift or a curse. Serve us, use your mind for the greater good, and you might just save yourself. Refuse, and you'll drag others down with you."

"What do you want from me?"

Sannes straightened up, his tone matter-of-fact. "Loyalty. Service to the crown. And cooperation. In return, we forget your little inventions and your defiance. You get to live, and so does Freya."

"And if I refuse?"

Sannes's gaze hardened. "Then you, and everyone you care about, will face the consequences."

"I'll do it. Just don't hurt Freya or Frieda."

Sannes nodded. "Wise decision, Müller. Welcome to th–."

Just then a voice from the shadows laughed. "Hold on, Sannes, you sly dog, talking to him before I arrived, taking all my fun..."

Sannes paled and turned towards the voice. "Ackerman..."

Kenny stepped into the light, grinning under his hat his long coat trailing behind him. "Now, boyo, what did he tell you?"

Y/N swallowed hard, his voice trembling. "He... he threatened me and my family... and my friend."

Kenny's grin widened. "Now, now, that's not nice, Sannes. Recruiting boyo here for the Central Police? He ain't ready! How about you fuck off and leave his family and little fuck buddy Steinbach alone, huh? Or I'll give your little daughter a visit."

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