Chapter VI

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Y/N trailed behind the other recruits, his breath ragged and his legs aching. Each step felt heavier than the last He stumbled, catching himself before he fell, his gaze fixed on the ground.

Instructor Vogel marched over with a disdainful glare. "What's the matter, boy? Can't keep up? What's your stupid name?"

"Um... Y/N Müller," he managed to say between breaths.

"Müller?" Vogel's expression changed slightly, "Elisse's brother?"

"Yeah..." Y/N replied still panting, trying to stand straight.

"Fine damn soldier, that girl. One of the best we've had..." Vogel's eyes narrowed, his voice rising in disbelief. "How is a military genius and perfect soldier related to a stupid, useless, spineless simpleton like you? Do you have different fathers or what?"

The mention of his parents struck a nerve, and Y/N's fatigue was momentarily forgotten. "Don't talk about my parents," he muttered.

"Oh, did that hit a nerve, Müller? What's the matter, can't handle the truth? I guess the apple does fall far from the tree when the tree is rotten, huh?"

"Look at you, about to cry over some words. Pathetic. I wonder what your sister would think, seeing her brother turn out to be such a disgrace." Vogel stepped back, gesturing dismissively. "Since you like standing around so much, Müller, your next punishment is just that."

Vogel pointed to a spot in the middle of the yard. "You will stand there, on one leg, until I say stop. Every time you put the other foot down, the rest of this sorry lot will run an extra lap because of you. Let's see how long you can keep them from hating you, hmm?"

Y/N nodded weakly and limped to the designated spot. As he balanced on one leg, his other knee buckling, he could feel the eyes of the other recruits on him. Some looked sympathetic, others annoyed, all tired.

Vogel shouted to the others, "Remember, thanks to Müller here, every time his foot touches the ground, you run an extra lap!"

Exhausted and struggling to maintain his balance, Y/N finally lost his footing after 10 minutes or so. His leg hit the ground. Instructor Vogel had been watching like a hawk and seized the moment.

"One more lap for everyone!" Vogel bellowed, pointing at the other recruits who shot glares with resentment towards Y/N. As he made to rise and join them, Vogel stopped him with a sharp command.

"Müller, sit down. Rest. Let them pay for your weakness."

Y/N hesitated. "I said sit! You're not running another step. They will run three extra laps because of your disobeying now." The recruits' expressions hardened as they passed him, their exhaustion turning into anger.

Y/N sat, his chest tightening with guilt while watching his peers run, their faces marked with fatigue and frustration. .

❛ ━━・ (🛠️🔬💡 🧪)・━━ ❜


After the extra laps were done, Vogel dismissed the recruits. "Get settled in the barracks, now! Move!" His tone left no room for delay, and the recruits hurried off, most avoiding looking at Y/N as they passed.

"Sorry," Y/N murmured to the backs of his fellow recruits. His apology went mostly ignored, the others too spent to respond.

"For what it's worth, I don't blame you... you tried to hold on as much as you could."

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