Chapter XXIX

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Eren rode alongside Levi's special squad, which included Petra Ral, Oluo Bozado, Gunther Schultz, and Eld Jinn. Petra was the only one who seemed genuinely friendly, offering a warm smile that made Eren feel a little more at ease. The rest of the squad members were either cold or distrustful and he couldn't blame them. After all, he was the kid who could turn into a Titan and trust wasn't exactly something that came easily in their line of work.

It had been a week since the trial ended, and now they were heading to an old headquarters castle within Wall Rose territory, which would serve as their base of operations.

As they rode, Eren turned to look at Captain Levi whose death stare made him yelp and quickly turn back. Petra laughed softly, trying to comfort him.

"Don't mind him," she said gently. "He just has a... unique way of showing his concern."

Eren forced a small smile. "Yeah, 'unique' is one way to put it."

Petra chuckled. "You'll get used to it. He might seem harsh, but he's one of the best. And he cares about his squad more than he'd ever admit."

Eren nodded, appreciating Petra's kindness. "Thanks, Petra. It's just... all still a lot to take in."

"I can imagine," she replied. "But remember, you're not alone. We're a team now, and we look out for each other."

Eren looked around at the others were keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings. Oluo was trying to mimic Levi's mannerisms which only made him look more ridiculous. Gunther and Eld were talking quietly, their expressions serious but not hostile.

Petra noticed Eren's glance and added, "Give them some time. They just need to see that they can trust you. You've been through a lot, and so have they. Building trust takes time."

Eren sighed. "I know. I just hope I can prove myself."

"You will," Petra said confidently. "You've already shown your courage. Just keep being yourself, and they'll come around."

"Thanks, Petra. I really appreciate it."

She smiled warmly. "Anytime. We're all in this together."

Oluo grumbled, mimicking Levi's cravat and haircut. He tried to speak in a gruff and serious manner. "Why are we heading to a pile of ruins in the middle of nowhere? Staying at Trost HQ would have been easier. In an open area, the brat could easily transform and escape, while in the district he wouldn't be able to run away—"

Gunther interrupted with a roll of his eyes. "Give it a rest, Oluo. We're following orders. There's a reason for this."

Oluo scoffed. "Reason? The only reason I see is we're being sent to some rundown castle that probably hasn't been used in decades. It's a waste of time and resources."

Eld was more pragmatic. "The captain wants to test Eren's control in a less populated area. If something goes wrong, it's better for it to happen away from civilians."

Oluo shot back, "And what about our safety, huh? We have to live with the Titan boy."

Petra sighed, trying to mediate. "Oluo, we all agreed to this. Eren is one of us now. We need to give him a chance."

Oluo grumbled something under his breath, clearly not convinced.

"Shut up, all of you," Levi ordered. "We're heading to the old castle because it's strategically sound. If Jaeger were to lose control, we could handle it there without endangering more lives than necessary."

Oluo muttered something, but a sharp glare from Levi silenced him immediately.

Levi continued, "The castle will need renovations. If there's something falling apart, Titan boy here will be useful. It'll also be a good test to see if he can remain controlled while using his power."

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