Chapter XXIII

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Annie blinked, the imagined scene dissipating as Y/N's voice broke through her thoughts. He was kneeling beside her.

"Annie, can you hear me? Are you okay?"

She nodded slowly.

"Your ankle's pretty bad," he said softly. "We need to get you back to camp and get this treated. Lean on me, okay?"

She nodded again, allowing him to help her up.

When they reached the camp, he helped her sit on a nearby bench. He quickly gathered some supplies and returned, kneeling to treat her injury.

"Captain," Annie hesitated. "Have... have you ever done something that you regret?"

Y/N paused momentarily not looking up as he continued his work. "Yes, I have."

 She swallowed hard and continued, "Something... you shouldn't have... I mean, something wrong?"

Y/N nodded still focused on her ankle. "Yes, I have."

She had always seen him as almost infallible. "How do you... deal with it?" she asked.

He looked up at her then, "You learn to live with it. There's no clear answer. You just do your best to move forward and make things right where you can."

Y/N finished bandaging her ankle and gave her a reassuring smile. "There you go. Just rest up. You'll be back on your feet in no time."


❛ ━━・ (🛠️🔬💡 🧪)・━━ ❜


Y/N was in the training yard, facing off against Mikasa in a sparring session. The recruits had gathered around, eager to see the captain go up against one of their strongest peers.

Mikasa threw a powerful punch, which Y/N blocked with his forearm. He countered with a swift jab, which she dodged. She swept low, aiming to knock him off his feet, but he jumped back just in time landing with perfect balance.

"You're fast, Captain,"

Y/N nodded. "So are you."

Mikasa finally found an opening and went for a high kick, aiming for his head. Y/N ducked under it, using the momentum to sweep her leg. She stumbled but quickly regained her footing, her eyes flashing with surprise.

"You're keeping up with me,"

Y/N chuckled. "I've had a good teacher."

Before she could respond, Shadis approached the training ground. His stern expression caused the murmurs to die down.

"Müller," Shadis called out, his voice commanding attention.

Y/N straightened up, signaling the end of the sparring session. He gave Mikasa a nod before turning to face Shadis.

"Sir?" Y/N asked, wiping sweat from his brow.

"There are people here to see you," Shadis said, his tone giving nothing away.

"Who?" Y/N asked curious and slightly apprehensive.

"Commander Smith," Shadis replied, the name alone enough to stun Y/N.

Just as he was about to leave the training ground, Y/N turned back to Mikasa. "Good work. Keep it up."

She nodded, her expression as stoic as ever. "Thank you, sir."

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