Chapter X

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Y/N sat at the table writing notes in his journal. The rough sketches and calculations filled the pages, detailing his concept. He envisioned a system where metal coils could create a magnetic field, spinning around and generating power.

This power could then be stored and used to operate various mechanisms, providing a source of energy that didn't rely on manual labor or the limited fuel supplies within the walls. His notes described how different metals reacted to magnets and how spinning them at high speeds could produce a small, consistent current. He used terms like "force" and "motion" to describe the principles he was exploring.

If he could figure this out, it might change everything – lights that didn't need fuel, machines that could run without steam or manpower. But for now, it was all theoretical, and he was deep in thought when the sudden sound of a mug clinking on his desk startled him.

Oluo smelled of ale and plopped down beside him, sloshing his drink slightly. "Müller... the hell you're writing?"

"Oluo, I'm busy..."

Oluo looked at the journal. "We are celebrating. Training has gone without any delays and everyone performing as expected for a month... how come you're just... in this corner? Look around you!"

Y/N glanced around the camp. People were laughing, drinking, and enjoying themselves. Given humanity's dwindling numbers within the walls to barely 1,5 million, the age of majority had been 16, and at 14 now they were allowed moderate alcohol. Most people had a low tolerance, and it showed.

Y/N sighed, looking back at Oluo. "I just... I don't see the point in drinking. It dulls the senses."

Oluo snorted, taking another swig. "Dulls the senses? It's called having fun, Müller. You should try it."

Y/N shook his head. "I have too much to do. Too much to think about."

Oluo leaned back, looking at Y/N with a surprisingly serious expression. "You always this boring? What's all this writing about anyway?"

Y/N hesitated, then decided to give a vague answer. "Just some ideas. Things that might help us someday."

Oluo blinked slowly, trying to process through the effect of alcohol. "Help us? Like what?"

Y/N sighed. "Imagine if we had machines that could run without us having to constantly power them. It could change everything."

Oluo stared at him for a long moment, then chuckled. "You're a strange one, Müller. But... maybe that's not a bad thing." He stood up unsteadily, patting Y/N on the shoulder. "Just don't forget to live a little, you're annoying but you're fine."

Y/N gave a small smile. "I'll try, Oluo. Thanks."

Oluo stumbled away, Y/N was just about to return to his notes when Petra sat down beside him. Her cheeks were rosy and she had a faint tipsy smile on her face.

"Petra... hi," Y/N greeted her, trying to keep his focus.

She giggled and nudged him playfully. "You're weird... all here alone. Aren't we friends?"

Y/N smiled awkwardly. "We are friends, Petra. I just have a lot on my mind."

Petra leaned closer, resting her head on his shoulder. "You're always thinking... you should relax sometimes." She looked up at him with affection. "You're really sweet, you know that?"

Y/N's cheeks turned a shade pinker. "Thanks, Petra. I appreciate it."

He glanced over at Gustav, hoping for some help but noticed that he too was tipsy, swaying slightly as he spoke with another recruit. "Oh dear," he muttered to himself.

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