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april 5th

i hadn't left my bedroom since coming back in after jj had seen harry and i on the beach. i was embarrassed, harry just played it off as if nothing happened.

i wanted to go to the pool, hopefully avoiding jj so he wouldnt say anything.

i changed into a swimsuit and picking up a towel.
"im going to the pool, are you coming?" i ask.
"yeah, will be down in a minute" he says, standing up and pulling a pair of shorts out of his drawer.

i made my way downstairs, loading onto instagram so that i could post something.
at this rate, ive been posting atleast once or twice a day for the past few days, and ive been enjoying it.

at this rate, ive been posting atleast once or twice a day for the past few days, and ive been enjoying it

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liked by zerkaa, taliamar, wroetoshaw, behzinga and 498,038 others.

@ mollywee - :)

@ taliamar - stunning <3
@ mollywee - ily @ taliamar

@ wroetoshaw - stop hogging the bathroom!
@ mollywee - never @ wroetoshaw

@ user - where did you get the top from?

@ katieleach - ew
@ mollywee - stfu <3 @ katieleach


i had walked to the kitchen, grabbing a drink out of the fridge.
i saw talia, so i walked up to her.
"hi!" i say, smiling at her.
"hey, i saw katies comment, are you okay?" she asks.
"yeah, its whatever, shes a cow anyway" i say, we both giggle.
"eyup, whats going on in here" freezy says, shortly followed in by lux.
"katie being katie" talia says, pulling her phone out to show them something.
"nah, thats fucked up" lux says, putting a hand on his head.
"you spoke to bog about it yet?" freezy asks.
"yeah, im gonna bring it up with him again though." i say, opening my bottle of apple juice and taking a sip.

"anyway, im going out to the pool" i say, walking towards the sliding doors that were already open.

i stepped out, careful for where as i was standing as the patio was hot. i walked over to the pool, seeing that freya and faith were sat outside.

i put my towel down on the seat next to them, along with my phone.

i walked over to the steps, walking down and sitting on one of them, so my waist was fully submerged.

there were light bruises, easily coverable by my waist band. i sat there, just staring at the lads messing about on the grass, jj still no where to be seen.


everyone had came in the pool, just splashing water at each other. talia had jumped on me, sending me completly into the water.

josh had gotten everyones attention, announcing that we'd be going on a boat trip tomorrow, to which got everyone cheering.

i had gone to get out, so that i could go lay down on one of the sunbeds, next to talia who had gotten out seconds before me.

"oi molly whats happened to ur hip?" vikk says, everyone looking at me.

i didnt say anything, just looking down and acting suprised.

it caught harry's attention the most, him just laughing.
jj burst out laughing, on the verge of spilling what he had seen.
"what are you laughing at?" simon asks, turning to look at him.
he was covering his mouth with his hands, trying so hard not to say anything.

i had sat down at this point, about to pick up my phone until jj had spoke again.

"harry and molly were fucking on the beach and i saw them, and harry had his hands like dug into her hips, probably what caused the light bruises." he says, covering his mouth again.

"jj!" harry said, jumping onto his back, causing them both to fall underneath the water.
"mol, is it true?" talia says, turning to me. i nod, she ended up laughing.

everyones eyes just darted inbetween me, and then harry. no one really made a big deal about it, people just confused why we didnt just use our bedroom.

there were a few comments, nothing too big.

i unlock my phone, noticing that i had a text from katie.

@ katieleach

k - what the fuck are you doing with my boyfriend?

i debated responding, shortly before showing talia, to which she just snatched my phone and started typing

m - the fuck you mean your boyfriend? last time i checked he left you years ago after you cheated on him.

k - i know he still loves me.

m - your a bitch?

m - why the fuck would he want to be with someone like you when all you did was be a complete utter dick to him.

k - and you think he would want to be with you? your silly if you think that, he could do so much better than you, for instance, me.


talia looked fuming. ive never seen her so pissed off.
"tal, whats up?" simon called over, he must of noticed her furrowed eyebrows and the fact shes never stayed this quiet when she was around people.
"fucking katie" she says, standing up and walking to go show him the messages.

harry had swam over, standing directly next to simon. people had heard what had gone on, picking up on the fact there was a small crowd in one section of the pool.

talia had read out the messages, people looking pissed off.

"mate, shes got no right to say that her n bog are still together" freezy says.


harry had joined me sat by the pool, people just messing about in the garden.

ethan had wanted a barbeque for dinner, saves people having to go out, so him, faith, josh, freya, randy and lux had all gone out to buy food.

"what am i even supposed to do?" i say, looking at him.
"post a picture of us, let people know were together" he says, smiling.
"i could, but its still early into our relationship and i dont want either of us to get backlash from it." i say.
"then ill post it" he says, picking up his phone and finding a picture of the two of us.

"then ill post it" he says, picking up his phone and finding a picture of the two of us

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liked by mollywee, tbjzl, ksi, miniminter, taliamar and 593,948 others.
@ wroetoshaw - photo creds @ zerkaa
tagged - @ mollywee

@ mollywee - :)

@ taliamar - cuties
@ mollywee - no u

@ ksi - yes harry!
@ wroetoshaw - yes bro @ ksi

@ user - unexpected but expected!


he put his phone down, every once in a while it going off.

i felt happy that it was in the open, but on the other hand, i was just scared incase if there was any backlash. i dont handle shit like that well.

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