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a/n - ngl, im gonna give up with adding dates (ive left this for almost a month and only briefly read my previous chapter !!)

also, this has been left for almost a month, ive been super busy!!
anyway, thanks for 14k reads <3


i had seen harry last night, him staying over as he said that he would be really busy as him and the boys are filming a few videos to last them a month or so, and a few more sidemen videos. the more sidemen videos are my favourite, i love them. and its also something to watch when i eat dinner alone. 

ive thought about buying a cat, considering tommy lives with my parents and when harry's away, im alone.

i had nothing to do today, so i was planning on suprising harry with a suprise trip to croatia. i didnt know whether or not to invite others, or just keep it to something for me and him.


the weather was becoming warmer, and after most likely constant filming, it would be a well deserved break for the two of us. 

i grabbed my laptop, loading onto look at costs for flights. i figured that a flight for two weeks from today would be best, giving harry plenty of time to finish up recording. i chose the flight home for another two weeks after, knowing that it would be a great break away.

harry <3
m - come round after today please 

i put my phone down, before looking for a place for us to stay. i found a place, with a large garden and a pool, knowing that both of our social batteries would run out and we would just want to spend all the time there.


my phone started buzzing, turning it over to see that it was harry. i answered, making sure that the call didnt end.

"hey, is everything okay?" he asks, panic in his voice.
"yeah, everythings fine, just come round after filming please" i say.
"are you sure?" he asks. 
"yeah, i am. just come round after." i say, again.
"fine, yeah, i will, want me to stay round aswell, early morning though" he says.
"can do, want anything specific for dinner and do you want me to grab you some clothes for tomorrow?" i ask him, knowing that he would want me too.
"carbonara okay? and yes please" 
"perfect, ill see you soon" i say.
"bye, love you"
"bye, love you too dickhead" i respond, hearing him chuckle and the phone cuts off.

i walk into my room, putting on a floor length white skirt, pairing it with a white cardigan. i chuck on a pair of white jordans, before grabbing my glasses, bag, phone and both sets of keys.


i grab a basket, heading over towards the cheese section.

i made sure to get everything, extra food, snacks and drinks for myself and harry. i walked over towards the checkouts, choosing to go to a self scanner.


i sat in my car for a second, opening messages as talia had messaged me.

talia <3

t - open the door rn
t - i look ridiculous stood out here
t - answer !
m - ive just finished shopping, be home in 5!
t - okay, be quick, dont break any laws
m - ill try :)

i put my phone down, grabbing a ciggarette and lighting it before moving off. it should take me that long till im home.


my hands were full, the doors opened and i looked down the hallway to see that talia was sat outside my door. 

she burst out laughing as soon as she saw me, standing up and walking over to help me. 
"whats with all this then" she says, looking down.
"the bitch wanted carbonara for dinner" i say with a frown.
"oh, let me know how that goes" she says.

i opened the door, walking in. talia had closed it behind me. we put the bags on the island, she walked straight over to the fridge. she picked out a couple bottles of water, before chucking me one and opening hers.

we sat at the island for a while, just chatting about life. i brought up the trip that i had booked for myself and harry, she was suprised but thought that it would be a good idea. she brought up that simon had asked her if she and i would want to join one of the sidemen among us in real life, they were doing a larger version this time, including chris, arthur, george, ginge, randy and a few others. 

i started packing away the shopping, harry had let me know that he would be here in a few hours. 

"ive got to grab some stuff from harrys, hes left me with his spare key" i say, picking it up and walking towards the door.
"dont leave meee" she says, jumping up and rushing over. 

we left mine, headed next door and opening it.
"oh?" she says.
"its definitley something.." i say, looking around.

his apartment was reasonably tidy, a few dishes in places, clothes on the floor. i walked through into his bedroom, opening his wardrobe door. i picked him a pair of couple pairs of black shorts, a few pairs of socks, a few pairs of underwear, a few tops and a few jumpers, just knowing that id end up stealing them later. he had already got a toothbrush and a phone charger at mine. 

i walked back through into the kitchen where talia was stood, noticing that she had collected all of the dishes and had started washing them.

"can you divorce simon and marry me please" i say, begging her, hands in the air and everything.

she laughed at me before draining the sink and drying her hands.


talia had left, i had already cooked dinner as harry had said that he was on the way here.

i heard the door open, then close. i looked up from my phone, seeing that harry had walked over, holding a bunch of roses in his hand.
"hi" i say, smile across my face.
"hey, ive missed you!" he says, putting them on the counter and taking his bag off."
"ive missed you too!" i say, jumping up, walking over towards him and wrapping my arms around his neck.

we stood, hugging for a minute.
"clothes are in the bedroom, just picked up a few of everything, talia did your dishes by the way" i say.
"she didnt have too, tell her i say thankyou" he says, smiling. 
"well, foods in the kitchen" i say, walking over and getting two bowls out to serve. 

he had gotten the cutlery out, and a drink for us both. we carried everything over towards the sofa, because he wanted to stick his feet up.


harry had dissappeared into the shower, i was cleaning up and sorting the flowers out. i put them in a vase, carrying it through and putting it on my nightstand. 

the door opened, he had nothing but a towel wrapped around him, he came over and just threw himself onto the bed. 
"oi, dickhead" i say, giggling at him.
"shush, im tired okay" he says, putting his hands on his head.
"its fine" i say, i grab my phone, pulling up my email to show him the confirmation.
"look at this." i say, handing him my phone.
"whats this?" he asks.
"just look." 

he takes a minute, eyes darting around.
"im so confused." he says, looking at me.
"were going to croatia in a couple weeks?" i say, looking at him.
"oh, yeah, i see now" he says, laughing afterwards.
"is that okay?" i ask, turning my head.
"yeah, thats perfect, ill send you money now" he says, standing up to grab his phone.
"no need, i wanna cover it." i say, smiling at him.

it took a minute just for him to say that he wouldnt send anything. he walked over towards the pile of clothes on a chair in the corner, before chucking on a pair of boxers and walking over again, laying on top of the covers.

"thankyou, molly" he says, wrapping his arms around me, kissing the top of my head.
"its okay, i think we both need it" i say, laughing afterwards.

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