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april 24th

i was just sat in my apartment. i had nothing better to do, and i wasn't seeing my parents for another week or so.

harry was out filming with the lads, everyone else was busy, leaving me to be the only one that wasn't busy.

even talia was unavailable.

i heard my phone vibrate from besides me, seeing that it was an instagram notification.

i picked up my phone, seeing that it was then a message. i clicked on it, seeing that it was a photo from katie.

katie fucking leach.

i opened it, unsure of what to expect.

and there it was, laying outside in one of harrys jumpers. one that i had seen him buy when we was on holiday.

i doubted it for a second, needing to re open it, to which it was. the exact same one.

my heart dropped, my cheeks becoming warmer by the second.

i looked down at the message below, re reading it multiple times.

katie leach - recognise the jumper? x
mollywee - okay what the fuck. why do you have that??
katie leach - ask harry :)

i chuck my phone to the other side of my sofa, standing up and walking over towards one of the cupboards in the kitchen.
i pulled out a bottle of vodka, it seeming to be still something that i only drink now.

i walk over back towards my sofa, sitting down. i check the time, 2:40pm.

it's never too early to drink, i thought, unscrewing the lid and taking a large mouthful.

after lowering the bottle, i could feel a singular tear run down my face, slowly followed by multiple more.

that's when it all started flooding in, the thoughts, the tears, everything that i wanted to not happen, happened.


i noticed that harry had been off the past couple of days, i didn't think anything of it.

he had been secretive about his phone around me, only checking it properly when i wasn't near him, or turning his screen so i couldn't see it.

i message talia, telling her that i'm taking a break from everything and i'll talk to her soon.

i waited a few minutes, just staring at the delivered sign underneath my message.

i sigh, switching my phone off, tossing it onto the sofa once again.

i stood up, walking over towards my front door and locking it, meaning that harry wouldn't be able to just walk straight in.

i picked the bottle back up, walking over towards my bedroom.

i sat on the edge of my bed, wondering what the fuck i was supposed to do now. i just fell backwards, staring at the ceiling.


i was lost in thought, rudely interrupted by the sound of knocking on my front door.

i got up, putting the bottle back down and walking over.

i looked out of the peephole, seeing that it was harry.

i just walked off, i didn't want to talk to him, and there's a high chance that i won't speak to him, atleast for as long as i can.

i walked over towards my sofa, locking the balcony door, shutting my curtains.

that practically left my apartment in pitch black, the only light coming from my bedroom door.


there was another knock on the door, this time it was a more softer knock.

i looked through the peephole for the second time today, noticing that it was harry and talia. i just ignored it, leaving them in the corridor.

i sat back down on my sofa, taking a few large sips, putting it down and letting the tears run down my face once again.

this was a reoccurring theme for the rest of the night. harry had came and knocked a few more times, the later it got, the less he stopped coming around.


a/n - i needed a filler and something dramatic to happen otherwise this would of been just a simple story?

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