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april 3rd

the group had all wanted to film a sidemen video, choosing to do a hide and seek. jj had wanted to be the seeker, changing into one of his alter egos.

we had nothing planned for this day, me, talia, freya and faith had all offered to just spend the day out shopping but the lads had wanted us all to join in.

kon, the main camera man, had came up to me and harry, putting mics on us. i had decided to use this oppurtunity to film a behind the scenes, after finding out that it would be okay. i could use the holiday in order to film videos for my own channel, as i dont exactly post much now, just streaming.


jj had started the introduction of the video, "welcome back to hide and seek, but this time were in malaga! we have special guests!" the camera paned towards freezy, me, freya, randy, lux, talia and faith, we just stood there as we didnt know what to do.

(a/n - if i dont mention about them filming, just pretend they are!!)

i had ran off, choosing to use my balcony to an advantage. i heard people talking about getting on the roof, to which they were trying to find out.

my first stop was the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of vodka and walking up the stairs. talia had decided to join me, so headed to my bedroom, putting a pair of shoes by the bed and behind the curtain, to make it look like we were hiding there.

we had stacked some chairs up, by the edge of the balcony. talia had climbed up first, with the help of me. i passed her the bottle, before climbing further so she wouldnt be seen straight away.

i had managed to get up, after pushing the chairs away to make it seem like no one had gotten up.

we sat at the top of the house, peaking over, seeing that freezy had gotten onto the guest house roof. we had decided to just turn around, facing the front of the house, laying there and soaking in the sun.


there were screams, people screaming fuck. i had my camera, and the one that i was given, switiching inbetween both of them.

we heard someone behind us, turning round and seeing that harry was trying to quickly walk towards us. he came over, laying down next to me and talia.

i opened the drink, it becoming slightly warmer after not being in the shade.

i picked up my camera, before turning it round, showing that harry had joined us, he took my camera, and just started talking.

"jj has found simon, randy, freya, faith, lux, josh and ethan" he says.
"okay, is freezy still in his original spot?" i ask, talia peaking her head over, seeing that freezy was still in his spot.

i pick up my phone, finding freezy's contact, before messaging him, asking him to look over where me and talia was hiding.

he messaged back, saying that he was looking. we got harry to look over, freezy instantly bursting out laughing, his laugh being that loud he got caught.

with each other being in difficult spots, we both said that we wouldnt reveal anyones locations to the seeker, hopefully he sticks with that.
"guys i think i need to piss" talia says, standing up and walking towards the edge by the balcony.
"right, are you coming back up?" i ask.
"unfortunatly not, ill just go hide in one of your closets so im close" she says.

we say our goodbyes, before her running towards the bathroom and into her hiding spot.

she had messaged me, letting me know that vikk had been found, leaving just me, harry, tobi and herself.

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