percy jackson and the olympians (books) | sick (flu) | percy/annabeth

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Whumpay 2024: 14 Days of Aftermath prompt : Barely Conscious
Whumpay 2024: 10 Days, 40 Words prompt : "Stay with me, please."
Angstpril 2024 prompt : Trembling
Whumpril 2024 prompt : Can't Sleep
March of Pain 2024 prompt : Sick
Wollemi Whump Event 2024 prompt : Under the Weather
FLUFF-uary 2024 prompt : Caretaking
Hurtcember 2023 prompt : Sick
Whumptober 2023 prompt : Shaking
Comfortember 2022 prompt : Falling Asleep on Someone
Wespion's 12 Day OTP Prompt Challenge Extraordinaire! prompt : Lap Sitting
Bad Things Happen Bingo prompt : Fevers
100 Way to Say 'I Love You' prompt : "Here, drink this. You'll feel better."
100 Prompts, 100 Ships prompt : "Please"

Percy couldn't sleep.

His throat hurt so bad and he was shaking and sweating like crazy. Sometimes he wished he'd taken the offer of immortality cause maybe then he wouldn't have to deal with such human problems like contracting the flu, but here he was.

Annabeth had gotten through it shortly before him- He figured he contracted it from her- So she wasn't worried about getting sick and took care of him, which he appreciated, but he was still utterly miserable.

He just felt so bad. He'd also been having some stomach issues- Perhaps an extension of the flu, perhaps something else, he wasn't quite sure- And the lack of proper sleep was really starting to get to him.

No matter how much medicine he took, he wasn't getting better. He also knew he was probably just being impatient- This was only his second night of being sick, after all- But he felt positively miserable.

His body ached, even more than it did with his usual chronic pain issues, and his left lymph node in particular felt very swollen and inflamed.

He was grateful that his sinuses weren't too fucked, at least not so far in his illness. No, he could still breathe through his nose well enough, though the mucus in his throat was atrocious.

He found himself incredibly nauseous on top of everything else, though he had only thrown up once and it wasn't all that much anyhow, mainly just dry-heaving.

At one point, he developed a pretty rough fever. Annabeth felt a pang of sadness as she looked after him, sweating and trembling horribly in her arms. He was barely even conscious and what little words he spoke came out nonsensical. He was concerningly warm, though insisted that he was freezing. She could only imagine how horrible it felt for him to be in the thick of that sort of ailment.

Annabeth hardly ever left his side through all of this, her top priority being his care. She didn't mind taking care of him. Hell, she wanted to. If she could help make this experience at least fractionally less hellish for him, she'd do everything in her power to do so.

The few times he managed to get sleep, she would still stay in the same room with him, just in case he had a feverish nightmare or woke up vomiting. She didn't want him to deal with any of this alone.

His experience with the illness was far more severe than her's had been and she was silently grateful that she didn't have to deal with the same intensity of symptoms that he was. She felt bad for probably being the one to get him sick but tried not to get too hung up on that- He'd insisted on being there with her, after all, and she would do just the same had he gotten sick first.

When his fever had reached its peak, he was sitting in her lap, whimpering in discomfort as she tried to soothe him to the best of her ability, gently swaying him back and forth. She continued to do this even after he fell asleep against her, falling into a nonsensical fever dream as he did so.

During one of his feverish-but-awake moments, she found herself with the task of giving a small dose of ambrosia to a very loopy and paranoid demigod.

"Here. Drink this" she instructed gently, holding out a small shot glass of the liquid. He eyed it suspiciously. "You'll feel better"

Percy did not entirely trust her, but he did as he was told and winced as he swallowed, working his sore throat more than it was comfortable with. The dose did help a bit with his symptoms, though it also increased his loopiness and made him drowsy.

"Stay with me" he said as his brain began to shut down. "Please" he added. She nodded and kissed his sweaty forehead, lying down alongside him as he passed out once more.

Annabeth vowed to stay with him for as long as possible at any and all costs cause Gods, this was a sad sight.

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