percy jackson and the olympians (books) | sick p5: home p2 | percy/annabeth

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CONTENT WARNINGS: Side effects from nausea medication (dizziness and blurred vision), laxative intake (oral route)
A/N: Writing this morning after the second ER visit and I am very unwell so apologies if the writing is a bit shotty here
The Merry Whump of May 2024 prompt: Loyal
Whumpril 2024 prompt: Hesitation
Flowers of April 2024 prompt: Honeysuckle: Devoted Affection
FLUFF-uary 2024 prompt: Acts of Devotion
delusionisaplace "i'm right here..." caretaker prompt: "I'm right here if you need anything, okay?"
literary-lesbo Hurt/Comfort prompt: "I've got nowhere else to be"
literary-lesbo Fluff prompt: "thank you for being here for me"

When Percy woke back up, Annabeth was sitting next to him in bed, petting his hair.

The pain still hadn't gone away and the nausea was getting bad again. "Bin?" he asked. Annabeth quickly located the small bin in his room and handed it to him, just in case.

"I got your nausea medication" she informed him. "I also got laxatives. I'll let you use your own judgment on whether you wanna take those or not"

"The papers did say that was an actual issue, so I'll take them" Percy told her. "But I really don't think that's what's causing the pain"

"I understand" Annabeth nodded. She kissed him on the cheek and got up, leaving the room for a moment. She returned soon after with two orange bottles, a sheet of blue pills, and a glass of apple juice (Percy insisted it was easier to take pills if the drink had flavor to it). "I don't know which nausea medication is which, so I figured I'd just hand you both"

"Thank you" Percy replied as he accepted the things. He located the medication that they hadn't given him at the hospital.

Prochlorperazine, 5 mg tablet. Take 1 tablet by mouth every 6 hours if needed for nausea or vomiting for up to 7 days.

Seemed simple enough.

Percy looked around the bottle a bit more and found a small list on the side, entitled "Important Information".

May cause drowsiness. Use care when operating a vehicle, vessel, or machine.

This medication may cause dizziness.

May cause blurred vision.

Avoid prolonged exposure to direct and/or artificial sunlight.

Percy felt a small pang of anxiety as he read this. He was rather prone to experiencing the side effects of medications, and this sounded like it would be annoying, but Annabeth reassured him that she would be right with him through all of it, so he regained his bearings and took one of the pills, along with a few of the laxative pills.

After that, he Googled the medication out of curiosity, deciding he would feel better about it if he knew a little more.

As it turned out, in addition to nausea, Prochlorperazine was also sometimes used to treat anxiety and Schizophrenia.

Great, he thought, now growing even more concerned. They gave me psyche meds.

He located a list of side effects and felt even more growing dread as he read through the potential side effects.

Dizziness, feeling unsteady, or having trouble keeping your balance; Blurred vision; Dry mouth; Stuffed nose; Headache; Nausea (isn't that ironic?); Constipation (of course! The one thing they're treating me for!); Difficulty urinating; Widening or narrowing of the pupils; Increased appetite; Weight gain; Agitation; Jitteriness; Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep (is that not just a normal issue to have?); Blank facial expression; Drooling (Annabeth says I already do that, at least when I sleep); Uncontrollable shaking of a part of the body; and shuffling walk.

That wasn't even going into the separate list of red flag side effects.

Percy hoped and prayed to anything and everything (even the Gods from Greek mythology, that's how desperate he was) that his side effects would be minimal.

As he was contemplating all of this, the room began to spin at full speed. Disoriented and upset, he lied back down and told Annabeth what was happening. As she leaned over to reassure him, his vision began to blur out as well. He shut his eyes in distress.

He wasn't sure how much time passed but, to the medication's credit, the nausea did go down, as did his anxiety, which he supposed made sense considering it was apparently also a treatment for anxiety.

"I'm sorry you aren't feeling well" Annabeth said sympathetically. She hated seeing her boyfriend like this. "I'm here for you"

"Thank you for being here for me" Percy said, his voice small. He felt so fucking sick.

"I've got nowhere else to be" Annabeth replied with a small, sympathetic smile. "I'm right here if you need anything, okay? Just try and rest as much as you can"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

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