percy jackson and the olympians (books) | sick p4: home p1 | percy/annabeth

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CONTENT WARNING : Just more incompetence from the people at the ER
A/N : Little break from all the chaos of being in a medical setting!!
The Merry Whump of May 2024 prompt : Suspicious
May's Domestic Prompts for 31 Days 2024 prompt : Official Document
Angstpril 2024 prompt : The Last Time
Whumpril 2024 prompt : "Why didn't you tell me?"
Comfortember 2022 prompt : Pass Out

While Annabeth drove the both of them back to their home, Percy looked through the discharge papers and was both vindicated (because he'd had a suspicion and this confirmed it) and frustrated to find a number of things that the doctor didn't bother to mention.

Apparently, there had been trouble with viewing his ovaries on the ultrasound due to excess gas, and, more damningly, there were a bunch of abnormalities in his blood and urine samples that went unmentioned.

Constipation was listed on the official report for the CT scan, though, so maybe that part actually had some truth to it. Still, Percy hadn't been feeling particularly constipated, maybe just a tiny bit, and there was absolutely no way that was actually the source of the pain.

Years of navigating chronic illness meant Percy knew his body very well. Something was wrong, and those doctors simply hadn't cared to investigate it further.

Annabeth listened when he told her this, and he didn't even have to justify any of it to her. He appreciated that about her- Her willingness to just take him at his word and believe him when he told her something was wrong instead of making him have to justify or prove it. So few people gave him that courtesy, and he was endlessly grateful for her giving it.

She swore to him that was the last time they would ever go to that particular hospital. He didn't argue with that.

When they got back home, Percy went to lie down while Annabeth went back out to pick up his new nausea medications from the pharmacy.

The pain was horrible, but the exhaustion from everything at the ER was enough to make him pass out the moment his head hit the pillow.

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