percy jackson and the olympians (books) | sick p8: er p1 | percy/annabeth

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CONTENT WARNING : Somewhat graphic depiction of diarrhea due to the use of laxatives, urination, dissociation, mention of an IV
A/N : Second ER here we goooooooo
Whumpay 2024 prompt : Dazed
Whumpay 2024: 14 Days of Aftermath prompt : Disassociation
The Merry Whump of May 2024 prompt : Bracelet
May's Domestic Prompts for 31 Days 2024 prompt : Receptionist
March of Pain 2024 prompt : Dissociation

By the time they arrived at the hospital, Percy's state had gotten worse.

It was pretty late at this point, about 9 or 10 at night, and what little sleep he'd gotten hadn't been of particularly good quality. He was properly exhausted, not to mention incredibly sick, and if it weren't for how much pain he was in, he would've rather been at home in bed.

Annabeth walked him into the building. She almost grabbed him a wheelchair because of just how shaky and unbalanced he was, but he insisted he was okay to walk. He didn't want to deal with the hassle of navigating a wheelchair when he already felt so abysmal, so he instead just relied on Annabeth's help in keeping his balance as he went up to the receptionist.

"Name?" the receptionist asked. Percy wanted to cry. He forgot just how many questions he'd have to answer.

"Perseus Jackson" Annabeth spoke up for him. "He responds more to Percy, though"

"Okay" the receptionist nodded, typing something up on her computer. "Birthday?"

"August 18th, 1993"

"What brings him in tonight?"

"He's been having really sharp abdominal pains for a few days now" she explained. Percy was confused. Had it really been several days? What day was it? "He's also been consistently really nauseous and he threw up a bit in the beginning but that's died down now. We went to a different ER and they said it was probably just constipation, but we've treated that and he's still only getting worse"

"Okay" she nodded. She finished typing a few things up and put a name bracelet around his shaking wrist. A triage nurse called him around to run a few basic things like height and weight while the receptionist greeted another nurse. Percy was minimally responsive through all of this, his brain beginning to dissociate and shut down completely. Thankfully, Annabeth continued to answer most of the questions for him, so he barely had to say or do anything.

He was admitted soon enough, and a male nurse led him back to a room, hooking taking his pulse and blood pressure. After this, the heart monitor was left on his finger, and the nurse confirmed it would stay on the whole visit. It was a bit uncomfortable, but Percy supposed it was at least more caring than the previous ER, which probably wouldn't have cared if he'd flatlined suddenly.

"I'm going to hook you up to an IV" the nurse informed, unplugging the heart monitor's cord from the machine and wrapping it neatly around Percy's wrist so that it could be easily reconnected later. Percy nodded. "It's gonna take me a bit to do that, though, so here" he handed Percy a cup. Percy felt a sense of dread as he saw the cup, but it was just then that his stomach began to cramp up and... Oh no, he thought. The laxatives were really starting to hit now. "Go to the bathroom, see if you can get a urine sample for us"

Annabeth helped him out of bed and he stumbled off to the bathroom, insisting that she not follow him. He really did not want her to see (or hear or smell) what was surely about to happen. Besides, if he had some sort of medical emergency in there and needed help, there was typically a button to press.

He shut the door hastily and locked it, not even bothering to double-check that the door was locked properly, as he normally would. No, the sudden urgency in his bowels was far too much, and he swiftly tore down his pants and sat on the toilet, shakily opening the cup in case he peed, though that was a secondary concern to him.

If he was constipated before, that definitely was not a problem anymore, and the agony his bowels were enduring from the laxatives only intensified the pain he'd already been experiencing.

He did manage to get an admittedly sort of small urine sample and then set it on the floor, focusing fully on not hyperventilating too much as he expelled the contents of his stomach into the metal bowl.

Eventually, though he was sure this was only the beginning, he was done, and he shakily, extensively cleaned himself up, pulled up his pants, washed his hands, and put a cap on the urine sample.

Despite the small size of the sample, the color was really saturated, which he found odd but didn't think too much of as he returned to the room and shakily handed it off to the nurse, who then immediately put a label on it and sent it off with a registration nurse, who had apparently spoken with Annabeth to make sure all the information was correct while he was in the bathroom.

"Alright, Percy" the main nurse spoke up, catching Percy's drifting attention. "I'm gonna put in an IV now"

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