percy jackson and the olympians (books) | sick p13: home p3 | percy/annabeth

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CONTENT WARNING: Side effects of various medications (hallucinations, nausea, dizziness), menstruation in a transmasc character, blood, discussion of menstrual products and sex organs, references to urination
A/N : This is the last chapter for this "at home" section. Next is the ER (again)
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The rest of that day and the one after were spent with Percy in bed, only occasionally getting up to pee (which, yes, his urine had, in fact, turned orange) or take medications.

His thoughts became consumed by numbers and side effects.

He took two antibiotics per day, one in the morning and one at night. His side effects weren't as bad as he'd anticipated, though he did find himself hallucinating a few times, and, upon extensively looking into the side effects for all of his medications, he concluded that it did, in fact, come from the antibiotics. It wasn't anything too severe, just a coyote in his room and a child walking past the door, and they both went away after a few seconds.

He took six AZO pills per day, two at a time (once in the morning, once around the middle of the day, and once before bed), and that course was only for two days. It made his pee orange (upon some Googling, he realized this was simply because they contained orange dye, nothing crazy), but did not make the pain go away as promised. What's worse is he couldn't even take it alongside his nausea medication, as the AZO made him nauseous past that medication's abilities, and the dizziness he got from the nausea meds simply made it worse.

Also, he wasn't sure which medication it was, if any, but his appetite had gone away completely, and Annabeth had to get meal replacement shakes to make sure he didn't get too malnourished.

During this period, he'd also started on his cycle- The testosterone in his body had prevented his period (for the most part) for several years but, due to his sudden sickness, he'd missed a T shot, and was now paying the price for it- And that made things way worse.

Now, in addition to the pain he was already feeling from his UTI, he was being wracked with menstrual cramps, which were far worse than he remembered (perhaps due to his uterus being weakened over the years of being on hormones). And, because he already had an infection and didn't want to potentially make it worse, he couldn't even use tampons and had to struggle to get pads into his boxers.

This also made it harder to tell whether the blood in the toilet was from his urine or his period, which was scary.

After he'd finished the AZO course and two days worth of antibiotics, Annabeth asked how he was feeling, and he realized that the UTI pain had gotten worse and had also begun to spread upward.

This scared him and, when he told this to Annabeth, she told him that she would take him to yet another ER, concerned that it had perhaps spread to his kidneys.

As much as he didn't want to go to another hospital, he also wanted very badly to feel better, so he surrendered and changed his pad, packed a bag with his antibiotics, a stuffed animal, and a few other things, and hobbled his way to the car once more.

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