percy jackson and the olympians (books) | sick p12: home p2 | percy/annabeth

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CONTENT WARNING : Touch starvation, anxiety, dehydration due to laxatives
A/N : Guess who just came back from a third ER visit? Me, it's me, I did. So, I guess Percy's going back sooner or later lol. This poor man
The Merry Whump of May 2024 prompt : Waking
Whumpay 2024: 14 Days of Aftermath prompt : Touch Starvation
Whumpril 2024 prompt : Touch Starved
Flufftober 2024 Spring Edition prompt : Iced Beverage
Wespion's 12 Day OTP Prompt Challenge Extraordinaire! prompt : Lap Pillow
ogdoadfates Fluff prompt : Letting the other sleep on them
literary-lesbo Sickfic prompt : "I'm so tired..."
delusionisaplace "i'm right here..." caretaker prompt : "Should I get you some water?"

When Percy awoke again, he was relieved to find that his stomach had seemingly finally calmed down. He was a bit sore down there, but he didn't feel any more urgency.

"Hey" a voice said from next to him. He turned over and saw Annabeth smiling at him. He was still in pain, but seeing her made him feel a little bit better. "I picked up your antibiotics" she informed him. "They had also given a prescription for your antiacid cause I know you were running low on that. Also, while I was at the pharmacy, I picked up AZO, which should hopefully help with the pain. It might also make your pee bright orange, though, fair warning"

"Thank you" Percy said. His mouth was very dry, but he did well not to complain about that. Annabeth handed him a handful of pills and a glass of water. It was a bit annoying to do first thing after waking up, but he took the pills and lied back down. "I don't feel well"

"I know" Annabeth replied sympathetically. "I'm sorry. Hopefully this stuff should start to help, though"

"It better" Percy responded miserably. "I want this to be over" he added, rolling over closer to her, careful not to jostle the bruises that had formed on his right arm from the veins he blew out. She didn't say anything, instead just putting her fingers in his hair and gently petting him. He was pretty touch-starved so this soothing motion tended to be a good comfort to him, and he did relax slightly as she did it. "It's not my fault"

"I know, don't worry" Annabeth soothed. "I know you would never ask for this. I'm not mad at you"

"Do you still love me?"

"Of course" the blonde nodded. "I love you so, so, so, so much. You being sick is never going to change that, okay? You haven't done anything wrong"

"I'm so tired..." Percy whimpered. Once again, whatever sleep he'd gotten had not been of particularly good quality. "And I feel weak"

"I think you're dehydrated from the laxatives" Annabeth informed him. "Should I get you some water?"

"Could you?"

"Yeah" Annabeth nodded, and then she was up again. Percy felt bad for relying so much on her. He wished he wasn't so helpless. Thankfully, Annabeth didn't seem to mind taking care of him. He didn't know what he'd done to deserve her.

She returned soon after with a big bottle of flavored Smart Water (Percy insisted it was easier to drink) with ice added into it to keep it cold. He quickly downed a third of the bottle and lied back down.

"Thank you" he breathed, curling to the side so that his head was resting in her lap. She smiled and pet his hair with one hand, stroking his cheek with the other, and wishing, for his sake, for a speedy recovery.

It was like this that he eventually fell asleep again.

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