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Y/N was born four years after her older brother, Cedric. Their age gap was, of course, four years. Cedric, the older sibling, had started attending Hogwarts School of at the age of twelve and was sorted into the Hufflepuff house.

He talked and told his little sister about how popular he became and how people talked about him always, especially girls. He became the seeker of his house's quidditch team.

That was three years ago, and now, he's fifteen and was in his fourth year, which also happened to be the year Y/N would be finally joining the magical world.

Y/N was a ten-year-old girl, easily anxious, awkward but on other hand, she's wise, poised and mature-minded. She was a placid girl. She knew she's gonna be the youngest of all first-year students due to her late December birthday, which fell on Christmas day.

She shared many similarities with her older brother, being the girl version of him. Her face was more soft and still child-like, but in her old school, she had a few, or rather many, admirers her age. However, she was awkward and ignored them all.

Y/N never had a crush, well, in real life. But she did have a crush on Prince Eric from Disney, which Cedric teased her about constantly. But he preferred it if his little sister had a crush on a Disney prince rather than someone in real life.

The siblings shared a close bond, with Cedric being protective of his little sister, especially if someone tried to mess with her like someone would always will, calling her weird most of the times. He grew up by her side, knowing she couldn't handle her social anxiety sometimes and was always there to comfort her.

On Y/n's tenth birthday last year, her parents gifted her a golden retriever puppy, and she named him Coco. Coco became Y/n's real friend, her first loyal bestfriend who was always with her even if her brother wanted Coco sometimes but Coco would always stick to Y/n.

Y/n can also talk to animals, not word by word but she could easily understand them, her parents already knew about it. Which, few people, especially their neighbors would call the little girl weird at times, one day when she was talking and petting a squirrel.


It was the last day of August, and the Diggory family was bustling with excitement. Tomorrow marked the beginning of a new school year at Hogwarts. Cedric will be in fourth year while Y/n is first. Y/n's parents had already prepared everything she needed - clothes, books, and more.

Y/n sat at the dinner table, sketching away in her sketchbook while Cedric, chattered beside her even though she wasn't listening. Mrs. Diggory glanced at her daughter with a soft smile.

"Hey, Y/n, you know what day it is, right?' Mr. Diggory asked, a hint of excitement in his voice as he set the table for dinner.

"Sunday." Y/n glanced up from her sketchbook. "Tomorrow's the first day of school.."

"Well, at Hogwarts — already." Her older brother replied beside her.

"That's right." Mrs. Diggory chimed in, placing a steaming plate of food on the table. "And you need to get a good night's sleep, young lady. I saw you up until midnight last night."

Y/n fidgeted with her pencil, her cheeks flushing slightly. "I just wanted to finish my drawing."

"And you can always finish it tomorrow," Mrs. Diggory replied softly. "You need your rest, especially since you'll be starting at Hogwarts with your brother."

Y/n's eyes widened as her mother pulled out a brand-new sketchbook from behind her, smiling. "I noticed your old sketchbook was almost full, so I got you this."

𝘉𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘦. | Harry Potter.Where stories live. Discover now