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A week later. Y/n had found a comfortable groove with Harry and Ron, and she had gotten close to them, but not entirely, but it was a good process. While Hermione was more close to y/n. She had treated y/n like her sister already.

Monday morning arrived with a gentle nudge from Hermione, who acted as her human alarm clock now. "Wake up, Y/n, it's seven." she whispered.

Y/n stirred, her eyelids heavy with sleep. "Five more minutes." she mumbled, still buried under the covers.


"Okay five minutes is over."

Hermione crossed her arms. "Ginny's already left, and you have the same classes, right?" she said.

"It's still seven." Y/n groaned and stretching her arms luxuriously. She rolled out of bed and stood, her eyes still blurry. Hermione had already donned her robes, looking crisply put together as always.

"You don't want to miss breakfast, do you?" Hermione reminded her, snapping Y/n back to reality.

"Oh, right." Y/n rolled over the bed and got up. Remembering the enticing aroma of bacon, eggs and the sandwich that Colin always saves for her.

She fixed her bed and straightened her beloved teddy bear. Before getting ready, she placed a bowl of fresh kibble on Coco's bowl, knowing he'd be up soon and hungry.

"I'll wait outside." Hermione said, waving, "Need to finish summarizing my book. You get ready."

"Okay, thanks." Y/n returned the wave.

She glanced towards Lavender, who was still sound asleep in her bed next to Ginny's. Hermione had told her that Lavender had to wake up on her own, so Y/n didn't want to disturb her, even if she's gonna run a little late.

Y/n slipped into her white long sleeve and tie, opting for her grey vest instead of a jumper for now. Then Suddenly, a sharp pang shot through her wrist and she flinched.

"What... what was that?" she stammered, her heart pounding as she reached for her front, left wrist.

She stared at her reflection in the mirror, her face a picture of confusion. A strange, flat, reddish scar snaked across her skin, looking like a doodle drawn with a rusty crayon.

"this is weird.." She never had a scratch, It just appeared out of nowhere.

"What the hell is that!?"

Y/n jumped when Lavender, who was already awake, practically shouted in surprise at the kid, her eyes wide as saucers. She was standing just a few feet behind Y/n, a witness to the bizarre spectacle.

Y/n quickly tugged her sleeve down, hiding the mystery mark from view. "Oh, it- was nothing..." she responded quick.

Hermione who heard it from outside the door, walked in again. Her arched eyebrow conveying both curiosity and concern.

"What's happening?" she pressed.

"Nothi-" Y/n began, but she was abruptly cut off by Lavender.

"She's got a weird scar on her left wrist, Granger!" Lavender exclaimed, her voice tinged with both alarm and mischief.

Y/n shot a look in Lavender's direction. She casually slipped on her long socks and shoes. "It's just a scratch, not a big deal." Yet, deep down, a nagging anxiety pervaded her thoughts.

𝘉𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘦. | Harry Potter.Where stories live. Discover now