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"It's finally you! Oh, come here!" Mrs. Weasley beamed, pulling Y/n into a tight hug leaving her surprised. "I've been dying to see you. I'm your godmother, if you don't know."

That's new. Unexpected. Y/n was hesitant at first before accepting the suffocating hug from Mrs.Weasley but she stayed still with a smile.


"Mom she can't breathe." Said the Weasley twins from behind.

"Oop sorry." Mrs. Weasley pulled back. "And yes, my dear. Your mother and I decided when you were just a wee tot." Mrs. Weasley explained, her eyes twinkling with affection.

Y/n's heart skipped a beat. She had never known she had a godmother. "That's...wonderful." she stammered, trying to hide her awkwardness. "Mum never mentioned it."

"Well I've mentioned you about it, you're always got your head in the clouds, sketching away." Mrs. Diggory chirped in playfully.

"You sketch?" Harry asked, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

Y/n met his gaze for a brief moment and nodded in response. "That's amazing, i—" Said harry and immediately looked away when the Weasley twins was grinning at him lopsidedly.

"Do you mind sketching us? I mean, we're not too bad-looking, but it'd be even better to have a memento." The Weasley twins joked, nudging each other playfully. And Y/n let out a quiet short laugh.

"Hi." The ginger haired girl, who's around her age spoke and smiled at Y/n. Her attention drifted away and she back smiled at her "Hi." She mentally facepalmed herself at her awkwardness.

"Well, ye all shoul' probably get goin'." Hagrid announced, his voice booming through the station. "The train leaves at eleven sharp, and it's nearly ten-fif'iy."

Y/n and Cedric waved goodbye to the Weasleys. She turned to Ron, Hermione, and Harry. "Hope to see you all soon." she whispered, her voice barely audible above the din.

But they still heard her.

"Erm.. of course." Harry replied with a chuckle. "We'll be at the same school, after all."

"And that'll be later today." Added Hermione and waved at her as they separated their way.

Hagrid, observed Y/n and Harry before walking ahead. Y/n, realized her blunder and swiftly joined her brother with Coco trailing obediently by her side.

As she glanced at her brother, a question lingered in her mind. "Wait. Why are they separated from us when we're all riding the same train to the same school?" she mused.

Cedric chuckled. "Well, they're in different compartments."

"But, still the same train."

"Different doors." Cedric replied, his eyes twinkling with amusement. Y/n pondered for a moment before understanding "Oh."


Inside the train, Y/n sat comfortably in a compartment with her older brother with Coco peacefully sleeping on her lap, and she was sketching on her new sketchbook that her mother gave yesterday.

"What's the inspiration today?" Cedric asked his little sister, breaking the silence as he took a bite on his biscuit.

"The train window." she replied, her gaze flitting between the sketchbook and the passing landscape. "Six hours on board, I hear."

"Yep. Time to brace ourselves. We've barely even reached an hour yet." His attention then turned to Y/N. "Are you hungry?" He rose from the seat.

Y/n shook her head "Not really." And she gave him a questioning look.

𝘉𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘦. | Harry Potter.Where stories live. Discover now