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Several days had passed since Y/n's last encounter with Harry and Ron, as well as the brief quiz incident, and she had kept her distance. Except Hermione since they are dorm mates and they had gotten close.

Y/n had been rushing back to their dormitory after classes, petting with her beloved dog, drawing, reading, and sometimes studying with Hermione that she hadn't have the time to meet Harry and Ron.

Meanwhile, Colin, who finally found his camera that Ron had hidden several days ago, would regularly save sandwiches for Y/n at breakfast and it became his habit.

Today, her classes resume in the afternoon. This morning's class, herbology, had been canceled due to yesterday's bad weather, torrential downpour, which had created a hole in the greenhouse roof, causing water to leak down, and they are finally on the process fixing it.

Y/n was awoken by none other than Hermione at eight o'clock in the morning.

"Wake up little Y/n." Hermione whispered.

Y/n stirred, opening her eyes groggily. "... what..."

"Do you wanna come?" Hermione asked, gently shaking her awake. "Where?" Y/n muttered, her eyes still closed.

"Harry asked me yesterday to invite you to watch their Quidditch practice." Hermione looked at the clock.

"You go first." Y/n replied and closed her eyes again.

Hermione crossed her arms over her chest, a sigh escaping her lips. "Also, you're on the verge of missing breakfast, Y/n. Colin and Ron's also waiting for us in the hall."

Y/n sighed and forced herself out of bed, rubbing the sleep from her bleary eyes. Hermione, already dressed, waited. "Go get dressed, I'll be here."

Y/n disappeared and went to change, her Gryffindor jumper and robes hanging on the hook. And after her morning ablutions, she felt refreshed and more awake.

She returned to where Hermione was, and she grinned at y/n "Let's go!"

They made their way to the Great Hall, finding it mostly empty. Y/n spotted Ron and Colin at the Gryffindor table, Colin waving enthusiastically at her.

"Morning, Y/n." Colin beamed, already energetic.

"Good morning, Colin, Ron." Y/n greeted, taking a seat next to Colin while Hermione sat beside Ron across from them.

"Morning, y/n." Ron greeted back, munching on a sandwich. "Blimey! It's been centuries."

"She's been busy with her studies and books with me." Said Hermione like a proud mother.

Ron raised an eyebrow. "She could've sometimes dropped by to say hello, though." He turned back to Y/n "Harry's been mentioning you a lot lately."

Y/n, who had been staring into space, blinked and shook her head into reality. "Oh, um... me bad." She offered an awkward smile then arched an eyebrow. "Did I do something?" As of why Harry's been talking about her.

Ron and Hermione shook their heads. "Nothing to worry about." Ron reassured her. "Maybe he just wants to have you around. Like we do. But he sometimes confuses us as well."

"I see.. we're gonna watch his quidditch practice today, anyway." Said Y/n with a chuckle.

"Haha yeah! Can't wait!" Exclaimed Colin suddenly, causing the three to jump.

"Speaking of the sandwich thief." Ron drawled, nodding towards Colin. "He saved you a treat, 'best friend' sandwich."

"Anyway." Colin grinned unabashedly, handing Y/n the wrapped grilled chicken sandwich. "Here you go, Diggory."

𝘉𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘦. | Harry Potter.Where stories live. Discover now