COS - | 05 |

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The feast had come to an end, and Y/N had managed to enjoy half of it, thanks to her brother for saving her and her friends. It was now almost nine in the evening, and some of the Gryffindors had settled down in the common room, chilling and unwinding after the day's events.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron were sitting on the other armchairs near the fireplace, engaged in their own conversations, while Y/N sat with Colin near the windows, casually sketching randomly in her sketchbook. Colin was looking through the shots he had taken around the castle with a sense of pride.

"What are you gonna do with those photos?" Y/n asked, her focus still on her sketchbook.

"Oh, just for the memories." Colin replied, his eyes never leaving the photographs. "Also speaking of which, you're my first friend and the first one in my collection, well Harry is the second." He added playfully, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

Y/n let out an amused smile and shook her head. "Hm, guess i feel special." she whispered, her voice barely audible above the chatter in the common room.

"What are you sketching anyway?" Colin asked, peering over her shoulder to get a better look at her work.

"Professor McGonagall's hat." Y/N replied, not looking up from her sketchbook.

Colin paused for a moment before bursting into laughter, trying his best to keep it down so as not to disturb the others.

Y/n jokingly glared at him. "What?"

"Nothing. Uh... why her hat? I mean there's something else." Colin asked, still trying to control his laughter.

"Because- eur.. why not?" Y/n quirked an eyebrow.

"Okay, then. Draw the Sorting Hat next." Colin suggested, still chuckling to himself, and Y/n deadpanned.

Suddenly, their attention was stolen as the door swung open.

Y/n glanced over her shoulder and her eyes widened. There, her dog Coco, being held securely by the imposing figure of Hagrid. Y/n's whole face lit up as she dashed towards him.

"Coco! He finally made it!" she said, her voice filled with relief and delight.

"Hagrid!" Harry's voice boomed from behind. He jogged towards them as well.

Hagrid acknowledged them with a nod and gently gave Coco into Y/n's waiting arms.

"I spotted your brother sneak your furry friend here just now, so I took matters into my own hands." Said Hagrid.

The dog came from him first after all.

"Thank you very much, Hagrid." Y/n said, her heart filled with gratitude. She planted a kiss on Coco's head.

Harry watched her with a smile. "Never would've guessed you'd bring your dog here." he said, reaching out to give Coco's paw a playful squeeze.

"Couldn't bear to leave him alone." Y/n replied.

"Welp, gotta jet, kids. Y/n, Harry." Hagrid announced, offering a knowing nod before leaving.

Y/n and Harry waved him a goodbye. As the door closed behind him, Y/n sighed contentedly. She carried Coco back to her armchair and settled in. Harry followed closely behind, motioning for Ron and Hermione to join.

"Hold it righ' there." Gasped Colin, his voice urgent. "You never mentioned you had a dog! I'm a total lover for furry friends if you don't know." With unbridled enthusiasm, he extended his hand and stroked Coco's head.

𝘉𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘦. | Harry Potter.Where stories live. Discover now