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"They have vanished." Amos Diggory said. A hint of disappointment in his voice. The diggory family had just arrived at the Weasley residence, but the house was already empty and eerily quiet.

Y/n glanced around, utterly clueless as to why they needed to tag along with the Weasleys. Yes, she had heard about them, but had never really seen their faces, and she wasn't bothered anyway.

"We can go without them." She uttered and glanced down at her dog, patting his head "Right?"

"Of course." replied Cedric, still holding his younger sister by the wrist. "Father merely wished to introduce you to them. They're six siblings."

Y/n's brow furrowed. "Why introduce me now, of all times, when there have been opportunities during summer?" she questioned calmly, her gaze now fixed on her parents.

"Well, dad already told you that many times and you weren't interested. You've shown no interest in socializing, preferring to remain cloistered in these walls." Cedric shrugged with a chuckle.

"Hmh." She smiled sheepishly, he was right though. Then she glanced up at him again "Wait— Six siblings? Truly?" she mused.

Amos turned to face his daughter. "Yes. One of them is of a similar age to you, she is merely months older." he explained. Mrs. Diggory nodded in agreement, her hand gently caressing Y/n's cheek. "Our precious girl needs friends, not only her brother. We would not have you live a life of isolation."

Y/n remained silent for a moment, her eyes flitting between her mother, father, and brother. With a reluctant nod, she offered a faint smile with a soft sigh. "I see that."

Mr. Diggory clasped his hands. "Alright folks, let's hit the road. We've got to finalize your school supplies, especially you y/n. Missing just two more books, and of course, the all-important wand."

Y/n's brow arched. "Where is the place located anyway?"

"Diagon Alley. It's the hidden hub of the wizarding world, accessible only to those with the blood of magic coursing through their veins."

Y/n's astonishment was palpable. "Diagon Alley? I've never heard of such a place.."

Cedric next to her, smiled lopsidedly, "It's a high street filled with shops and wonders that cater to every magical need. But it remains invisible to Muggles, as non wizard people are called."

Y/n listened and nodded in understanding "Sounds fascina'ing. Bet it's crowded."

Cedric chuckled and gently ruffled her hair. "You're too young to worry about people, Y/n. Stick close to me, and you'll be just fine. Besides, you'll mostly encounter students like us, all eager to complete their shopping before the start of the new school year."

They took the car now instead. With Coco, nestled peacefully on her lap, Y/n joined her brother in the backseat of their car while their mother was on the passenger seat and Mr. Diggory driving.


Y/n clutched Coco's leash tightly as they walked through the not-so-crowded streets. Cedric held his little sister's hand while their parents lead the way.

"We'll snag your missing books first, Y/n," Mr. Diggory said over his shoulder. "And Ced, you're all set, right?"

"Yep, the old reliable." Cedric replied. "Y/n's the new one, only two more books to scoop up, then a wand-shopping and we're off to the Hogwarts Express."

𝘉𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘦. | Harry Potter.Where stories live. Discover now