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October arrived. Autumn. Shrouding the castle and grounds in a damp embrace. Madam Pomfrey, the nurse, was busy treating the sudden colds of students with sniffling noses. One of them was Y/n, her cold leaving her with a perpetually crimson beak.

Her older brother, Cedric became her constant companion on visits to Madam Pomfrey's office, where she would dutifully sip on the pungent Peppercup Potion to treat her cold.

The potion's notoriously steamy side effects caused wisps of smoke to appear from her ears, igniting a sensation of molten lava in her head. That's why she doesn't want Harry, Ron, and Hermione to company her even if they want to, or else they'll laugh at the sight.

It has also been few weeks since she was with them. She kept her distance, not wanting them to the catch virus because of her.

After several torturous minutes, Y/n rose from the bed, rubbing her burning nose. To her relief, her cold was not as worse anymore.

"Feeling better, Diggory?" Madam Pomfrey inquired with a gentle smile.

"Much better than before." Y/n replied, nodding with a smile.

"Your nose is still a tad inflamed, but not as severe as before." Madam Pomfrey observed. "You're free to go. If your cold worsens, don't hesitate to return."

Y/n nodded obediently. "Got it. Thank you Madam Pomfrey!" She gave her a thumbs-up, a gesture that had become her habit. Cedric laughed softly at her side.

Madam Pomfrey seemed to return her thumbs up with a chuckle. Cedric stifled another chuckle beside her and smiled at the nurse gratefully, his hand resting on top of her head as they sauntered out of the hospital wing.

"What day is it today, again?" Y/n asked.

"It's saturday, break day."

As they approached the door, Y/n spotted a familiar white-blond hair approaching from the opposite direction. Malfoy, the epitome of snottiness, was heading straight to the hospital wing.

Y/n's eyes narrowed. She despises him, but she couldn't resist to ask curiously.

"Got a cold too, Malfoy?" Her voice calm, hoping he would respond normally. He probably would since Cedric is there, eyeing him.

Malfoy's icy gaze cut towards her. "Obviously, Y/n. Why else would I be headed to Madam Pomfrey's?" his voice slightly muffled as he rubbed his red nose.

".. get better soon though."

Y/n watched as Malfoy brushed past her and Cedric, disappearing into the hospital wing without another word. She shrugged and continued on her way, making to the common room.

As Malfoy stepped through the entrance, he paused for a brief moment, his keen eyes once again finding Y/n before he disappeared into the hospital wing.


Cedric had gone to his own common room house while y/n headed straight to hers. Y/n's head bent low as she made her way toward the Gryffindor common room. Her fluffy jacket was still clinging to her like a second skin, and she didn't want to risk sneezing all over the place.

Before she could reach inside, a familiar voice called out "Y/n! Wait up!"

Colin, practically bouncing on the balls of his feet, raced up to her and threw his arms around her in a bone-crushing hug.

𝘉𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘦. | Harry Potter.Where stories live. Discover now