COS | 04 |

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"This way first years."

The first-years had changed their plain robes. Y/n strutted to the grand staircase with Colin, trailing behind Professor McGonagall towards the hallowed halls of the Great Hall.

As the enormous double doors swung open, their eyes widened at the sight that awaited them. The hall was a tapestry of magnificent proportions, its walls adorned with enchanted tapestries and a vaulted ceiling that seemed to stretch infinitely above their heads. Four long tables, swarming with students from all four houses, dominated the space.

Y/n's gaze instinctively flicked to the Hufflepuff table, where her older brother, Cedric, sat alongside his friends. His eyes lit up at his little sister, and he erupted into a boisterous wave, his friends doing the gesture.

"Is that Cedric's little sister?"

"I can see it. They resemble."

"Y/N!" bellowed one of his friends, Karl, eliciting a demure smile from her. Her cheeks tinged with a warm pink as anticipation bubbled in her.

"Stick to the front." Professor McGonagall instructed, guiding the first-years to gather to the Sorting Hat.

Y/n's heart pounded like a drum in her chest as all eyes focused on them. Her eyes met Harry's and Ron's as they just stumbled in the grand hall, looking slightly disheveled. Hermione appeared to scold them for being late.

Then Professor McGonagall's voice sliced through the din. "Silence, please! Behold the Sorting Hat. Listen closely. When I call your name, approach this chair, and the hat will be placed upon your bonce."

"Ginny Weasley!"

"GRYFFINDOR!" Exclaimed the Sorting Hat. And the great hall filled with applause, especially the Weasley siblings.

"Next." Professor mcgonagall glanced at the paper.

"Luna Lovegood!"

"RAVENCLAW!" Another applause echoed.

"Next. Colin Creevey!"

Colin looked very tensed as he stepped in front, sitting down on the chair with the sorting hat above his head.


A huge sigh escaped his lips. clapping along with the rest. Y/n gave him a thumbs up and joined in the applause.

"Next." Professor Mcgonagall Professor glanced at the paper, her eyes scanning the next name. Y/n felt a knot in her stomach, her nerves getting the better of her.

"Y/n Diggory!"

The hufflepuff table burst into applause, led by Cedric and his friends.

Y/n took a deep breath, approached and sat down on the chair with the sorting hat above her head. Her fingers crossed beneath. She glanced at the Gryffindor table, where Hermione, Ron, and especially Harry were smiling reassuringly.

Y/n found herself mumbling silently "Please.. Hufflepuff, hufflepuff..." hoping to be sorted into the same house as her brother.

"Hufflepuff? Hmm.. Let's see." The sorting hat commented "Hm... loyal as a hufflepuff, a mind of a ravenclaw.." The grand hall fell silent as they waited.


"But something still tells more... GRYFFINDOR!"

Then she froze in surprise. A tumultuous applause erupted from the Gryffindor table, and Colin erupted into a wide, boisterous grin. Cedric gave her an encouraging and a beaming smile.

𝘉𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘦. | Harry Potter.Where stories live. Discover now