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Y/n was as usual woken up by hermione by shaking her gently and her 'wake up y/n' whispers.

After donning her customary white long-sleeve underneath, she wore her grey vest instead of her usual jumper. Adorning her robes, she set off towards the Great Hall for breakfast.

Y/n found herself walking beside Colin. Heading towards the classroom 3C after breakfast. Today's class was 'Defense Against the Dark Arts' a subject shared by first and second years.

"Morning, Y/n." familiar voice greeted her from behind in the distance.

She turned her head to see Harry approaching, a warm smile gracing his face.

"Good morning." she replied, mirroring his gesture.

"You look... uh, pretty.. today." The words slipped out from Harry's mouth and he froze.

A faint smile crossed her face and simply replied "Thank you."

Colin, who noticed him, abruptly bolted away to join Harry, his grin radiating like the morning sun. "Hi Harry! All right?" he exclaimed.

"Hullo, Colin." Harry greeted back, walking past him and approached y/n, and Colin followed behind.

"Hermione already headed straight to the classroom." Y/n cleared her throat. "Where is Ron by the way?" Y/n asked, noticing his absence.

"Ron? Well, last I saw, he was... I don't know." Harry said, his heart pounding "Still in the Great Hall. Something about bacon sandwiches? I've never seen him so ravenous than before."

Y/n raised an eyebrow. "Why didn't you wait for him?" she asked, checking the towering clock in the distance. The class was due to start in under ten minutes.

"Fred and George were on the scene." Harry informed her, a hint of amusement in his voice. "They seemed intent on pranking him a 'hunger potion.'"

Y/n's jaw nearly dropped. "Really? this early?" She blinked, trying to make sense of why the twins would pull a prank at such an ungodly hour. It was both puzzling and amusing.

As Harry was about to respond, Ron stumbled into view, wiping crumbs from his mouth. A sheepish grin spread across his face. Colin immediately raised his camera.

"Blimey, Ron! What were George and Fred up to this time?" Harry exclaimed as they ambled towards him while y/n secretly made her way to the classroom already.

"Just my brothers testing their latest potion on yours truly." Ron grumbled, rolling his eyes. "That's why i couldn't stop eating—"

Harry and Colin couldn't contain their laughter. "Gluttony is a sin, Ron Weasley." Said Colin.

"That's a random truth for a paparazzi."


'The defense against the dark arts' Class, Y/n took her assigned seat beside Ginny. Malfoy hovered his assigned seat behind her, his usual smirk masking his contempt. To the girl's relief, Zabini occupied the seat next to Malfoy, having introduced himself just earlier.

As the lesson progressed, Harry has been forced into playing a series of ridiculous characters, he had become a gibbering Transylvanian villager, a sniffling yeti, and a lettuce-eating vampire.

This time, Professor Lockhart told Harry to play as a werewolf.

The class erupted in laughter, the sound grating on Y/n's ears. Malfoy's laughter was like a swarm of wasps buzzing nearby. She shot him a weary glance.

𝘉𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘦. | Harry Potter.Where stories live. Discover now