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After the class by Professor Lockhart. Y/n's thoughts spiraled around the mind-boggling short quiz that Lockhart had thrown at them.

It wasn't even related to the real topic, instead, it's testing their knowledge of his favorite color, aspirations, and peculiar gift preferences.

Harry's voice broke the silence, and his voice blank. "That was... brilliant."

"How is it even brilliant?" Hermione retorted, her annoyance evident. "The questions were boorish! I studied everything but turns out it's all about him."

Y/n scratched her chin thoughtfully.

"Anyone ace it? Y/n?" Harry asked, his gaze flicking to hers.

"My paper's blank. I don't even know his favorite hue, life goals.." Y/n admitted, smiling sheepishly.

"Literally! We just met him today!" Added Colin. "I thought at first that Professor Lockhart was just a random worker here-"

"I did manage to answer few." Hermione admitted with a heavy sigh "but it hardly matters for me anyway."

"Hm." Y/n paused for a second. "I'd rather not tempt fate by writing that his favorite color is blue, then turns out it's—'

"Lilac." Ron's voice chimed.

Ther heads whipped around in surprise towards Ron, who had finally pried Colin's camera from his grasp.

"Is that even true?" Harry questioned.

Ron shrugged. "Well, socks don't lie. His socks often shimmer in a bloody shade of lilac."

Their faces remained unconvinced, their gazes piercing Ron's with skepticism. "That doesn't mean it's his favorite color."

Just then, from a distance, Professor Lockhart's voice rang out like a beacon, casually sipping on his coffee.


Y/n's eyes widened, and she once again shot a glance at Ron. Meanwhile, Hermione and Colin pounced on the ginger, strangling him.

"You pumpkin head! Why didn't you share this with us?" Colin complained playfully.

"You sit a mile away, Colin!"

"Especially me, Ron!" Hermione exclaimed. "I helped you countless times, and I was sitting just two rows behind you!"

"Wott did you want me to do? Stand up and shout it to youh?" Ron shot back.

Meanwhile, Y/n and Harry stood frozen in place, observing the commotion with a mixture of amusement.

"They're getting heated, it's not even graded." Y/n muttered next to Harry.

"It might be." Harry replied, his tone matching hers.

".. or might not."

"And it's hardly relevant, anyway. Let's just forget about it." A chuckle escaped his lips as he turned away from the three.

"Come have a walk?" he asked, glancing back over his shoulder.

Puzzled by Y/n's reluctance. She was still watching Ron and Hermione arguing this time while Colin snapped multiple photos of them.

She turned to Harry, raising an eyebrow. "What?"

"Let's... leave them to it for now and have a walk." Said Harry.

𝘉𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘦. | Harry Potter.Where stories live. Discover now