COS - | 09 |

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"How old are you again?" Flint, the Slytherin captain, asked. And they all turned their heads to y/n.

Y/n knitted her eyebrows together, her gaze darting away from Malfoy's face to land on Flint's massive teeth.

"She's ten." Harry quickly responded for her, his grip tightening on his broom. "And she's got more brains than your new seeker, Malfo—"

"SHUT UP POTTER!" Malfoy snarled, his eyes fixed on Y/n with an intensity. "Someone tell this little first-year to learn not to talk back to someone who's year ahead than her!"

"She's just got more guts than you, Malfoy!" Ron chimed in, his voice laced with anger. "And you're gonna pay for every nasty things you've said to us!"

He pulled out his broken wand, the tape patching its cracked handle, and pointed it at Malfoy's face.


A loud bang echoed through the stadium, the air thick with the smell of burning wood. But instead, the blast came not from Malfoy's direction, but from the broken end of Ron's wand.

A jet of green light shot out, unexpectedly striking Ron and Y/n in the stomach and sending them flying backwards onto the grass. She landed hard, her back hitting the ground with a sickening thud. Coughing as the air got knocked out of her.

"Ron! Y/n! Bloody hell! Are you two all right?" The Gryffindor Quidditch team gathered around them, faces creased with worry.

"Spit it out!" Hermione practically shrieked, her hands clamped onto Ron and Y/n's shoulders worriedly m. "Say something!"

Harry dropped to his knees beside Y/n, his heart hammering. "Y/n, are you okay?— No, you're not! That was a hard crash!"

Both Y/n and Ron tried to speak, but their mouths hung open, empty. Y/n managed to nod, even though she was anything but okay.

Meanwhile, Ron let out a thunderous belch, a slimy slug oozing out of his mouth and landing on his lap.

The Slytherin team erupted in laughter, nudging each other.

"What's so funny?!" Hermione snapped at the snickering Slytherins.

"We better get them to Hagrid's, it's the nearest." Harry told Hermione, who nodded grimly.

Colin, suddenly appearing from behind the crowd, grinning widely. But the grin was replaced by a frown when he saw Y/n and Ron's state.

Y/n, somehow managing to push herself up to her feet, coughed. Without a word, she turned and ran away, a mixture of embarrassment. Everyone stared in bewildered concern while Ron, still coughing and being helped up by the others.

"Y/N! where are you going?!" Harry called out with a frown, his voice tight with concern.

"Go after her, Harry! I'll take care of Ron." Hermione urged him.

"What happened, Harry? What happened?" Colin suddenly asked, his voice high with panic "What happened to Y/n? Is Ron okay?"

"Get out of the way, Colin!" Harry said angrily, pushing past the boy and running off after Y/n.


Y/n shut the door to the girls' dormitory close, the sound echoing through the empty room. She wiped a stray tear from her cheek.

She tossed her robes onto the bed, as she sank down onto the mattress, a sigh escaping her lips. Her dog, Coco woke up, greeting her while wagging his tails.

𝘉𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘦. | Harry Potter.Where stories live. Discover now