COS - | 15 |

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Y/n woke up in a Saturday morning. Today was the quidditch match between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

Surprisingly, Hermione was still asleep peacefully, the one who usually wake up first and wake y/n up. Y/n grinned faintly. It's her turn and time to shine.

Y/n glanced at her loyal dog, Coco, whose chestnut eyes sparkled with understanding. "Coco, wake up Hermione. But mind you, don't disturb the other two." she instructed in hush.

Coco's tail wagged fervently as he leapt onto Hermione's bed. With gentle nudges and wet licks, Coco persisted in his mission. Soon, Hermione's eyes fluttered open, widening in shock as she realized her sleeping form had been invaded by the eager Coco.


Y/n sat up feigning innocence, a poker face masking her amusement. "What's the matter?"

"Your dog, Coco!" Hermione protested. "He's all over me!— wait what time is it?"

"Ten o'clock."'Y/N replied casually. "The quidditch match starts at eleven."

Panic set in as Hermione scrambled to fix her bed. "Oh my, I completely forgot!' she exclaimed, a chuckle escaping her lips. "Thanks to your Coco i guess."

The two hurried to get ready, donning their Gryffindor robes and headed out.


As the clock struck eleven, the throngs of Hogwarts students descended on the Quidditch stadium like a crimson tide. The humid air hinted at an impending thunderstorm, but it couldn't dampen the anticipation that filled the air.

Y/n, Ron, Hermione, and Colin sprinted towards Harry to wish him a luck before Harry huddled in the locker rooms.

Donning their scarlet Gryffindor robes, the team listened intently to Wood's pre-match speech that seemed to stretch into infinity. Finally, they emerged from the locker room.

Y/n, Ron, Hermione, and Colin perched atop the highest stands to have the best view.

"GOODDLUUCKK HARRYYY!!" Colin's voice boomed beside Y/n, deafening her.


"You couldn't even keep a spinach plant alive for more than a day." Retorted someone.

And another one.


"Really? You couldn't even bury your own dead hamster!" Retorted the same person.

A cacophony of voices filled the air, overlapping and echoing through the stands. Y/n, Hermione, Ron and Colin couldn't help but laugh.

Finally, Madam Hooch's whistle signaled the start of the match. Flint and Wood exchanged a steely handshake, their eyes locked in a battle of wills. The grip they exchanged was more akin to a wrestling match than a friendly sportsmanship gesture.

"On my whistle," said Madam Hooch. ""

As the crowd erupted in thunderous applause, fourteen players shot into the leaden sky like rockets. Y/n's eyes widened in awe as Harry soared higher than any of them, his eyes scanning the horizon for the elusive Snitch.

"Go, Harry!" Ron and Hermione bellowed from the stands, their voices muffled by the deafening cheers.

"Well met, Scarhead." taunted Malfoy, shooting beneath Harry as if to flaunt the sleekness of his Nimbus 2001.

𝘉𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘦. | Harry Potter.Where stories live. Discover now