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Lunch break came after her two classes in the morning, the 'History of magic' and 'Potions'. Despite the exhaustion, she did enjoyed the lessons for the most part.

But also half of the part, however throughout the classes, Professor Snape had cast her frequent glances as if she had committed an unspeakable crime. His gaze sent a shiver down her spine, but she remained composed, her ears attentively absorbing the professors' words.

With the lunch break came, Y/n pushed her worries aside as she headed towards the Great Hall with Colin.

"Did you manage to make sense of anything in classes?" Colin asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.

"I did." Y/n replied with a nod, a chuckle escaping her lips. "It's like a galleon pouch instantly evaporates my brain. What about you?"

Colin's face broke into a broad grin as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "That's awesome! And as for me... well, let's just say you don't have to ask."

Y/n paused for a moment before letting out a quiet laughter. "Of course, I did catch you trying to sleep and trying to resist the professor's lullaby."

"But hey, Diggory!" Replied Colin playfully. "At least I didn't need your aggressive elbow nudges for me to stay awake."

She quirked an eyebrow and added sarcastically "Sure Creevey. If you say so." Colin wiped away a mock tear, a smile adorning his face.

Y/n and Colin arrived at the Great Hall. The delectable aroma of freshly baked pastries and fragrant stew filled her nostrils.

"Whoa, gotta take shots of these." Colin lifted his camera.

There, Harry, Ron and Hermione were already seated in a table with a lively chat. Not wanting to disturb, Y/n walked past them hoping to get unnoticed and it was successful.

Y/n made her way to the serving line and filled her plate with a small portion of food. As she turned around, she was startled by a cheerful voice.

"Y/n, let's grab a seat!" Colin Creevey whispered excitedly, his face flushed pointing where Harry and the other two was sitting. "Right there!"

Y/n hesitated, glancing apprehensively towards Harry's table. "You go ahead. I'll be right there."

"Okay." Colin nodded and hurried away.

He plopped down beside Harry. Ron and Hermione sitting opposite. "Hello, Harry!" Colin beamed.

Harry was startled by Colin's sudden voice. "Err... hi."

"Forgot about me?" Ron quipped, pointing at himself.

"Harry comes first, you know. Besides, you eat so bloody fast, I haven't even had a chance to take my first bite." Replied Colin, receiving a glare from Ron and an eliciting a snicker from Hermione.

Then her laughter died slowly. "Where's Y/n, by the way?"

Harry's eyes scanned the hall. "Good question. Where is she, Colin?"

Unknown to them, meanwhile, Y/n stood still, frozen in place across the hall. Neville, the clumsy boy, had cornered her with a series of awkward questions.

Hermione's gaze fell in the distant sight. "Looks like Neville's giving Y/n a full interview." She pointed at their direction.

Harry's eyebrows furrowed. "Interview? What's going on?"

𝘉𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘦. | Harry Potter.Where stories live. Discover now