What Lies Beyond ch 28

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What Lies Beyond ch 28
At The Quartermaine, Tracy was at home thinking about the secret about Gabriella and wondering what to do about it when Skye came in," Mother "Skye said as she looked at Tracy."What Skye "Tracy asked she finally responded."I have been trying to call you, What is going on" Sorry I was just thinking about everything we have been through these last couple of months "Yes it has been a lot" Yes it has I never thought we would get along the way we have been I appreciate our relationship "I do too. I never thought I would need you in my life" Same here" We do have something to discuss you may not like it but I decided to leave Lorenzo alone if I go after him a new mob boss will come and that will be dangerous for my girls" I understand you want to keep your daughters safe" Thank you" What was your pregnancy with Gabriella like" Why do you ask "I was just wondering "It was difficult I went into the hospital to have Gabriella and while in labor I was unconscious "Oh I'm sorry "Thanks it turned the whole time then I wake up to a beautiful daughter" Yes you did I never thought I would want to be a mother but the girls are my everything "Skye said as Lila Rae and Gabriella came in. "Mother, Grandmother I have a dress for you to wear tonight'Gabriella said as she was holding bags in her hands."Thank you for picking out our dresses "Skye said "You're welcome, Charlotte and I are going to add personal shopping to the store as a service that's a great idea" Tracy said "Yes it is, I love both of you so much being your mother is everything to me" Skye said as she was feeling emotion,nal and went by her daughters and hug them ."Mother we love you too" Lila Rae said "Lila Rae, Have you thought about working at EL Q? Tracy asked "What's going on" Skye asked "I think Lila Rae should work with you at ELQ" If she wants to" I have thought about it and I should have a backup plan "That's wonderful tomorrow we will start" Alright "We should get ready for the reopening "Yes"

Elizabeth and AJ were walking before the reopening."I have a surprise for tonight "What's that" I renamed the hotel "To what? "Laura" Oh AJ that's a wonderful way to honor Laura" Yes I believe so, I told her family today I wanted them to know" I loved it Laura lives on" Yes she does, "AJ said "I just wish she was here too"

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